Grateful Dead Live at Franklin County Airport on 1994-07-13
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- Publication date
- 1994-07-13 ( check for other copies)
- Topics
- Live concert
- Collection
- GratefulDead
- Band/Artist
- Grateful Dead
- Resource
- DeadLists Project
- Item Size
- 1.4G
Let The Good Times Roll, Jack Straw, Althea, Queen Jane Approximately, Loser, It's All Over Now, Tennessee Jed, Let It Grow Truckin'-> New Speedway Boogie, Way to Go Home, Corinna-> Uncle John's Band-> Drums-> Space-> I Want to Tell You-> I Need A Miracle-> Standing On the Moon-> Sugar Magnolia, E: U.S. Blues
M:D>SHN digital transfer via: Da-p1 > zoltrix Nightengale 48 > 44.1 via CoolEdit2k > tracked with CDWAV via Nick Georges. Note, this version has different md5s than the original but its directly from Nick's server...
- Access-restricted-item
- true
- Addeddate
- 2004-05-28 13:03:48
- Has_mp3
- 1
- Identifier
- gd94-07-13.sbd.georges.17029.sbeok.shnf
- Location
- Highgate, VT
- Numeric_id
- 14399
- Shndiscs
- 2
- Type
- sound
- Venue
- Franklin County Airport
- Year
- 1994
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 9, 2022
Subject: hey @Sedula....
Subject: hey @Sedula....
.....From me and everyone else who loved Jerry and his music .. from coast to coast ...all of us who ,instead of shitting the bed all over these comments
as i see when i read your posts...we always saw the good in the bad and took what was left with us. There are many like you .... Who talk a big game ...,"blah blah my 200+ shows" (your quote) recognize that bout the one where you had the gaul to brag about your so called morphine addiction that you kicked and were now a non addict...what was it, all of one long weekend. Bitch ...thats what i call you "bitch",so bitch first off dont ever bad mouth Jerry...second, if you even could play a cow bell ....MAYBE a band and shot dope but could still manage your habit was non exsisting. And youre still an addict IF you ever did anything stronger than advil. Im sorry ,where are my manors , agstwst33...also thankyouJerry12..and im glad we crossed paths so i could be the one to say from all of us...kiss my ass. I havent found one truthful statement from you. Just a drunk ass making a bigger ass of himself. Im not one who will stand by while you and yours alike piss all over the great things this band put together. If you dont like it shut your mouth and sit quietly and let us grown up(kids) tell those who do care how the magic was played. Youre an ungrateful Little Bitch who needs to learn some manners and respect . Jerry played through so much you could not fathom. Drink up and go home bitch
Terrapin Landing
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 29, 2021 (edited)
Subject: I am on an amazing journey
Subject: I am on an amazing journey
I am listening to every 1994 show in order, mining for gold.
Well, it's gonna be hard to top the West Coast and NV shows, but Iet's see. This SBD is ... not very good compared to the quality of other '94 boards. There are a couple of nice AUDs out there if this tape sounds too thin/clipped out.
Set 1 Highlights: Jack Straw! Expert-level Loser, aside from some lyrical flubs. Very spirited It's All Over Now. Jerry's playing is very dynamic here; he's not just hitting the usual lead runs. Tennessee Jed is hit out of the park. Let it Grow lifts off nicely and is jammed out quite well.
Set 2 HIGHlights: Very nice Truckin'>New Speedway Boogie. Corrina jams are very creative, with Jerry even throwing in a tease to his Alligator solo from Anthem of the Sun. This melts into a very nice UJB.
Jerry botches some lyrics here and there, but I really don't understand all of the negative reviews this show gets. We could go back to the Spring tour and find many, many shows that under perform this.
Well, it's gonna be hard to top the West Coast and NV shows, but Iet's see. This SBD is ... not very good compared to the quality of other '94 boards. There are a couple of nice AUDs out there if this tape sounds too thin/clipped out.
Set 1 Highlights: Jack Straw! Expert-level Loser, aside from some lyrical flubs. Very spirited It's All Over Now. Jerry's playing is very dynamic here; he's not just hitting the usual lead runs. Tennessee Jed is hit out of the park. Let it Grow lifts off nicely and is jammed out quite well.
Set 2 HIGHlights: Very nice Truckin'>New Speedway Boogie. Corrina jams are very creative, with Jerry even throwing in a tease to his Alligator solo from Anthem of the Sun. This melts into a very nice UJB.
Jerry botches some lyrics here and there, but I really don't understand all of the negative reviews this show gets. We could go back to the Spring tour and find many, many shows that under perform this.
favoritefavorite -
May 9, 2020
Subject: Unique perspective at this one, but not their best
Subject: Unique perspective at this one, but not their best
I worked for a regional sound reinforcement company at the time, and we got called up to do consoles for Youssou N'Dour on this one, as the opening act.
Rolled ... in and got yelled at for standing center stage on that iconic rug, but that was OK. "Nice view, right?" "Yes sir!" "Great, now get off the stage and don't go back out there." Sheepish? Absolutely. I'm sure they've had that conversation with many people like me over the years. They were actually pretty nice about it.
I remember people climbing trees next to the field during soundcheck, and generally just having a ball.
Spent the first set out at FOH like a kid in a candy store. Cutler talking about the DATs he was recording and vendors stopping by with new audio toys. One of the tour crew we knew got me up on stage for the second set, and I got to listen to one of the in-ear monitor mixes (then a new thing). Very cool to hear the guys talking in the IEMs during the set. "Good tempo", etc.
The show itself? Not so great. I'm a sucker for 88-90, but that was when I was finally able to go to a lot of shows, and there are some great memories tied to that time.
Rolled ... in and got yelled at for standing center stage on that iconic rug, but that was OK. "Nice view, right?" "Yes sir!" "Great, now get off the stage and don't go back out there." Sheepish? Absolutely. I'm sure they've had that conversation with many people like me over the years. They were actually pretty nice about it.
I remember people climbing trees next to the field during soundcheck, and generally just having a ball.
Spent the first set out at FOH like a kid in a candy store. Cutler talking about the DATs he was recording and vendors stopping by with new audio toys. One of the tour crew we knew got me up on stage for the second set, and I got to listen to one of the in-ear monitor mixes (then a new thing). Very cool to hear the guys talking in the IEMs during the set. "Good tempo", etc.
The show itself? Not so great. I'm a sucker for 88-90, but that was when I was finally able to go to a lot of shows, and there are some great memories tied to that time.
favoritefavorite -
July 12, 2017
Subject: Revenge Of Grasshopperis
Subject: Revenge Of Grasshopperis
Rough Gig. The Drive Up And Back Out Was The Best Part. The Fire at Stage Right,The Plague Of Grasshoppers.The Condition Of Jerry And Unengaged Band.
Worst Of All The Stinking Drunk Phish Heads Overturning The Portables. Oh, If Jerry Had Gone Acoustic With Grisman In '92
favorite -
January 13, 2017
Subject: My worst show
Subject: My worst show
I went to close to a hundred shows during the last ten years before Jerry died and this one was the worst that I ever experienced, he sounded so bad and
musically they were just so off, no energy. It was really sad for me. I think I was lucky because it was the only show I ever saw of theirs that I thought was bad. Most of the time I loved the shows, hence, kept going back...
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 15, 2016
Subject: It's all alright
Subject: It's all alright
I think this a great honestly. I'm biased I'm from vermont also I'm a young in. I was at this show with my aunt and uncle but I was 3 at the time. My enjoyment
of this show is in retrospect. I see a lot of emotionalinvestment in the not so flattering comments and I totally get that. I love it for my reasons and really do empathize with the folks who may have been bummed because it represents a low point in your relationship with the band and i get that. It is what it is. I love it though.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 25, 2014
Subject: great memory...
Subject: great memory...
Why all the negative shit? This really wasn't that bad... and who leaves during a second set? Was there something better to do? Seriously, we all had a
blast before, during, and after this awesome event.
favorite -
July 13, 2013
Subject: didnt miss anything
Subject: didnt miss anything
a crew of mine was going to this show and i could have had a cozy bed in a travel trailer, but even living 2hrs away i didnt want to bother, things had
degenerated so far who would want to be there or be a part of sad, that even after all these years, i know i made the right decision
poor recording
lackluster set list
poor recording
lackluster set list
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 14, 2013 (edited)
Subject: good damn time
Subject: good damn time
i attended this show with my then wife and a few very good friends. had a good time, was a strange time in my life. Needed to see the boys! i remember
it as a very good time! lots of weed and balloons !
some good music and good company remember the encanted forest anyone?
some good music and good company remember the encanted forest anyone?
favoritefavoritefavorite -
June 30, 2011 (edited)
Subject: No so bad...
Subject: No so bad...
I just gave this a listen and I'm thinking it was pretty good. Garcia is hitting the notes and singing his ass off just like Vince. I think he was having
a good night, but the rest of the band, besides Vince, their playing seemed sloshed, and just not enthuiastic. No worries guys, I still love yas!! July 28th, 2011 - Walnut Creek!! (still waiting on my backstage pass I requested) woodman will be just fine...
5 for Vince and Jerry,
overall, 3 - soundboard problems throughout...
5 for Vince and Jerry,
overall, 3 - soundboard problems throughout...
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 19, 2010
Subject: Highgate `94...back on the East Coast..HOME!!!
Subject: Highgate `94...back on the East Coast..HOME!!!
I had driven from Va. to see the Summer opener in Shoreline.Then turned right around and started the long trip back east...The Vegas venue was the
nicest of the trip...("Peggy-O",6/24/94)Anywho,This Highgate is better than `95,but still wasn`t their best...It was though,the first show,in which Jerry brought tears to my eyes...the,"I Want to Tell You>Miracle>SOTM."was great...There was something about the way Jerry played,"SOTM,"that night,that made the flood gates open and I`ll never forget it!..."Truckin`>New Speedway,"was also a nice suprise!.....And what a scene!The lot was huge!..I was filmed buying a "iced tea,"in the little store that was up the road from the lot,and the next thing I know...I wind up in ,"Tye-Dyed"..the movie chronicling summer`94 tour and it`s seedy counter-culture....Touring with The Grateful Dead made me a movie star!!!..who knew?...I just miss JG..that`s all I know!
favoritefavoritefavorite -
April 18, 2010 (edited)
Subject: Just the Jack
Subject: Just the Jack
You're a full 100% correct BPhirm, this surely is one hot Jack Straw. I
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 17, 2010
Subject: purple jesuses
Subject: purple jesuses
The scene was like a circus,rageing all day and night. what was it hundred thousand people or more,as far as the eye's could see,women with black eyed
susans spinning everywhere.very hot that day I remember just starting to get lost and had to sit when i noticed i lost my crew.I closed my eyes for a moment until Iheard the boy's coming back on stage when this huge cloud covered the sky above stage and cooled us down for a moment.shortly after that strange cloud jerry opened the first set.smok'n' jackstraw,althea,let it grow felt great to be in the middle of know where get'n'down with everybody.I thought second set was tight to,only thing not on was jerry's voiceGREAT 94' summer show,miss those huge summer event.who could forget alex grays purple jesuses.believe it you need it leave it if you dare.summers never been the same.ODG
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June 28, 2009
Subject: Highgate, 1994
Subject: Highgate, 1994
This was the second-to-last show I saw, and the only one I saw in 1994. I have to agree, the scene was pretty disappointing -- a lot of loud, wasted jerks
who talked and yelled through all the music, even when the music was good. The show itself was pretty lackluster. It had a few moments. They did some tunes I'd always wanted to hear -- somehow I'd never seen them do Althea or Truckin', and both turned up this night -- but all in all it was pretty floppy.
Oddly enough, the last show I saw was the Shoreline one reference a couple of reviews below, with the badly-played Unbroken Chain. I read something interesting a while back, Bruce Hornsby theorizing that Jerry was losing a lot of manual dexterity in the last couple of years, probably having more to do with diabetic-related circulation problems or chronic use / repeat stress issues (i.e. carpal tunnel type stuff) than with drug use. That would make some sense ... although there were also some times he seemed pretty out of it in terms of remember lyrics, which verses he'd already sung, etc.
Anyway ... yeah, it was not a pretty ending for my favorite band. God bless them for all they gave, though.
Oddly enough, the last show I saw was the Shoreline one reference a couple of reviews below, with the badly-played Unbroken Chain. I read something interesting a while back, Bruce Hornsby theorizing that Jerry was losing a lot of manual dexterity in the last couple of years, probably having more to do with diabetic-related circulation problems or chronic use / repeat stress issues (i.e. carpal tunnel type stuff) than with drug use. That would make some sense ... although there were also some times he seemed pretty out of it in terms of remember lyrics, which verses he'd already sung, etc.
Anyway ... yeah, it was not a pretty ending for my favorite band. God bless them for all they gave, though.
favorite -
June 12, 2009
Subject: Dead Losing "It"
Subject: Dead Losing "It"
From '93-'95 I saw many shows that were really pathetic and lame. Jerry just couldn't play some nights and some of the sets lists were quite boring to
say the least. This was my favorite band ever (I have seen them since '78-200+ shows, but I must say the last show I saw (Shoreline '95), even the Unbroken Chain was played very poorly. As a jazz guiatrist I can have some bad nights, but nothing like a bad night of Jerry's in the early to mid nineties. I just can't understand how one can be that out of it. I also had a morphine/herion problem (that I kicked 6 years ago-now totally sober), but I could still play gigs fine. You just didn't want to be driving with me in case I dozed off!!!
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June 12, 2009
Subject: not worth it
Subject: not worth it
I must agree with almost all of the negative reviews. There was no energy at this show after the first set, and I can't agree that the first set was rippin'.
Some good moments to be sure, but not enough to make up for the rest of it. I remember how Bobby wore his sunglasses throughout the show and just seemed to be goin' through the motions. Even Sugar Mag was empty. Something was up with the band. Either they were out of it, or they didn't like the scene. If the latter was the case, who could blame them? I was a newbie to GD and Phish when this concert took place, but even I could feel the friction between people who were there primarily for the music, and those who were there primarily to get as wasted as possible and enjoy the "scene." It seemed like a bunch of people who just wanted background music for their drug fest had begun showing up to Phish and GD shows, and this did not sit well, as both bands are known for passionate, loyal, music-intelligent fans. Also, the choice in drugs started to switch from Pot and Hallucinogens, to Coke and pharmaceuticals. The vibe from people who used the latter drugs was hollow and disturbing. Sorry for the rant, but I honestly feel that it affected the playing.
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November 19, 2008
Subject: I dont really remember it but...
Subject: I dont really remember it but...
I turned 5 years old at this show! My parents took me for my 5th birthday.
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April 26, 2008
Subject: My last show
Subject: My last show
This was my last show too. I finally had it with Vince, and the rare glimse of the band I use to know. Why couldnt they hear how bad Vince was. He must
be someone's brother in law.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 7, 2008
Subject: help
Subject: help
does anyone know how I can download this? please let me know @ thanks
ps, this is the best Jack Straw ever
ps, this is the best Jack Straw ever
dirty jev-o
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 5, 2007
Subject: kick
Subject: kick
someone got the kick to sound amazingly heavy and hard at this show..listen to a minute of corrina---hope you don't hurt yo self----
favorite -
August 24, 2007
Subject: People please...
Subject: People please...
The sound at this show was horrible! The speakers that were halfway down the field were going on and off for most of the show. The Speedway is a pile
up. How could they have let Vince go on like that? Given how excited everyone was, it was a shame the boys couldn't pull it out. I had at least been to Eugene and Seattle and knew what to expect. My east brothers saw some decent shows in 93 and were devastated.
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May 21, 2007
Subject: Great weekend, bad show
Subject: Great weekend, bad show
This was my last Dead show and I have to agree with the majority of reviews here. This show was easily the worst that I had seen. Everyone was excited
because the Dead hadn't played VT in forever. Despite the great location(I love VT), the show had no energy. It was also completely overshadowed by a kick ass show that Phish played the same week in Sugarbush. It was great to see both bands in VT in the same week but it also showed how much energy the Dead scene had lost, compared to Phish who were at the top of their game.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 22, 2006
Subject: Highgate1
Subject: Highgate1
This show was awesome! I brought my future wife to this show, it was her first dead show. The atmosphere was sunny, nice breeze, and the colors were amazing!
The feel of this show was the best outdoor music show i have ever seen. From the awesome feilds of cars and balloons to the dead bringing it all together. This show for me was the highlight of my four year tour with the dead. Yes, i ended up marring my wife a few months later after i saw how cool she was at the show. Long live Jerry, we miss you. When i went back a year later to Highgate2, i should have turned around.But, i will always hold highgate 1 in high reguards.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
December 13, 2006
Subject: Not as bad as folks say
Subject: Not as bad as folks say
This show isn't nearly as bad as some folks say. A really nice mix of songs in the first set. Above standard LTGTR, pretty hot jack, solid later-day Althea
(when Jerry actually started to sing the song again), nice Jerry guitar work and back up during queen jane, realy nice Loser, etc.
2nd set wanes a bit but first set is certainly worth a listen.
2nd set wanes a bit but first set is certainly worth a listen.
favoritefavorite -
November 9, 2006
Subject: shmeck
Subject: shmeck
mmmm, i'm not usually that critical and only like to review shows that deserve it. however, i'm reviewing this because, to me, it represents supreme disappointment.
no, ... i wasn't there. friends of mine flew out from the northwest ecstatic. i was bummed as i had to work and study and couldn't raise the doeray. well . . . they came away bewilderingly disappointed. now i see why.
this is for completists only. the energy defines lackluster. i'm still rootin' for jerry though. maybe on standing? naw . . . bummer.
no, ... i wasn't there. friends of mine flew out from the northwest ecstatic. i was bummed as i had to work and study and couldn't raise the doeray. well . . . they came away bewilderingly disappointed. now i see why.
this is for completists only. the energy defines lackluster. i'm still rootin' for jerry though. maybe on standing? naw . . . bummer.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 2, 2006 (edited)
Subject: long strange trip
Subject: long strange trip
Original comments on 11/2/06: Show really lost it in the 2nd set. But, I still had a great time. Picnic by the cemetary.... mellow scene about 1/3
of the way back on the field..... too bad '95 went to hell the way it did.....
Updated review on 7/13/18: Cannot believe this was 24 years ago!!! Where does the time go?!?!?! Anyway, listening for the first time in a long time....For the most part, much as I recalled... Jerry still standing upright instead of hunched over during leads..... always loved the Good Times Roll opener.... Jack Straw was great.... rest of 1st set was pretty solid..... Then again, I'm a sucker for Queen Jane, Loser and Tennessee Jed :)~ 2nd set started well, but then came the two headed show killer known as Way to go Home and Corrina. Space and drums were interesting, but by this time they were both too long.... more a second break for Jerry and a long bathroom break for the crowd..... I Want to Tell You made for a nice novelty.... like the Last Time's they played.... If they had gone into Watchtower or some other jamming Bobby tune, would have been a nice piece of filler.... but by 1990, that's what Miracle had been.... a way to fill 4 minutes..... Thankfully Jerry put things straight with Standing on the Moon before doing the show ending rock out with Sugar Mag and Useless Blues..... All in all..... had a helluva time. Such a chill day and night..... Just wish they'd played almost anything other than that two headed show killer..... I am bumping it from 3 to 4 stars.... for no reason other than I really had a great time..... not that I ever had a bad time at a Dead show [even during the tour from Hell in 95] because I was always with friends.... some of which I still text with most every day [including a college buddy I met in September 1977]..... And as always..... Even on the worst night, I'd give a lung to hear Jerry one more time!!
Updated review on 7/13/18: Cannot believe this was 24 years ago!!! Where does the time go?!?!?! Anyway, listening for the first time in a long time....For the most part, much as I recalled... Jerry still standing upright instead of hunched over during leads..... always loved the Good Times Roll opener.... Jack Straw was great.... rest of 1st set was pretty solid..... Then again, I'm a sucker for Queen Jane, Loser and Tennessee Jed :)~ 2nd set started well, but then came the two headed show killer known as Way to go Home and Corrina. Space and drums were interesting, but by this time they were both too long.... more a second break for Jerry and a long bathroom break for the crowd..... I Want to Tell You made for a nice novelty.... like the Last Time's they played.... If they had gone into Watchtower or some other jamming Bobby tune, would have been a nice piece of filler.... but by 1990, that's what Miracle had been.... a way to fill 4 minutes..... Thankfully Jerry put things straight with Standing on the Moon before doing the show ending rock out with Sugar Mag and Useless Blues..... All in all..... had a helluva time. Such a chill day and night..... Just wish they'd played almost anything other than that two headed show killer..... I am bumping it from 3 to 4 stars.... for no reason other than I really had a great time..... not that I ever had a bad time at a Dead show [even during the tour from Hell in 95] because I was always with friends.... some of which I still text with most every day [including a college buddy I met in September 1977]..... And as always..... Even on the worst night, I'd give a lung to hear Jerry one more time!!
favoritefavorite -
July 14, 2006
Subject: 2 star show
Subject: 2 star show
Too bad that Vermont never got a high quality show. Then again, this show sounds like 5/8/77 compared to the '95 meatball. Some interesting musical moments,
but kind of a buffet of a show where you should take what you like and pass on the 'mystery meat' of ujb and us blues.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
July 2, 2006 (edited)
Subject: This Could Be the Last Time...
Subject: This Could Be the Last Time...
I was so excited when this show was first announced. The Dead were finally coming back to Vermont for the first time since I started seeing them in '85!
I knew in my heart that a summer tour show in the middle of nowhere would be a real trip for the locals in that little border town, but had high hopes that the raucus fan behavior that started to find our beloved band back in or around 1987 wouldn't follow them to such a pristine spot - (ha!).
True to what the fan base had become - this show was plagued with destruction- Fences knocked down (at a show where people were giving away tickets by the handful), overturned (and smashed) port-o-potties, trash everywhere (what ever happened to bring it in / take it out?), and of course, the infamous "forest fire".
I was truly amazed they were allowed back in '95, but thinking about it later - I do understand how despite the destruction, the weak northern VT economy would embrace the financial boon of 90k+ Deadheads visiting.
The show started great, a strong first set - The second set lost steam and fell apart after drums - (no wonder - I would have a hard time playing my heart out with a forest fire raging 200 yards off of stage right!) I recall watching the blaze grow, and sadly shaking my head, growing nervous and depressed at what seeing a Dead show had become.
True to what the fan base had become - this show was plagued with destruction- Fences knocked down (at a show where people were giving away tickets by the handful), overturned (and smashed) port-o-potties, trash everywhere (what ever happened to bring it in / take it out?), and of course, the infamous "forest fire".
I was truly amazed they were allowed back in '95, but thinking about it later - I do understand how despite the destruction, the weak northern VT economy would embrace the financial boon of 90k+ Deadheads visiting.
The show started great, a strong first set - The second set lost steam and fell apart after drums - (no wonder - I would have a hard time playing my heart out with a forest fire raging 200 yards off of stage right!) I recall watching the blaze grow, and sadly shaking my head, growing nervous and depressed at what seeing a Dead show had become.
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December 23, 2005
Subject: only ten people allowed in at a time!!!
Subject: only ten people allowed in at a time!!!
Does anyone remenber the sign on the door at the little carry out on the way to the lot?
This town had no idea what to do with 90K + friends!! I picked ... up the local rag on the way out of Dodge the next morning (still have it) and they (we don't ever really know who they are) estimated 90K+ people at this show. not surprising-- I had a hard time finding my van afterwards :( had a flag flyin and everything!!
Any who, lots of energy for a '94 and the fire off to the left of the stage was crazzzzyyy!!! Bobby kept lookin that way. I thought i was halucinating....oh ya! I was, but it was there!! I had this sweet spot on top of this 'lil out building of some sort with the perimeter fenced off probably at 8x10 and I was dancing on the roof of this building about 8ft in the air away from everyone except the 4 other cats that were up there with me. great memories....
This town had no idea what to do with 90K + friends!! I picked ... up the local rag on the way out of Dodge the next morning (still have it) and they (we don't ever really know who they are) estimated 90K+ people at this show. not surprising-- I had a hard time finding my van afterwards :( had a flag flyin and everything!!
Any who, lots of energy for a '94 and the fire off to the left of the stage was crazzzzyyy!!! Bobby kept lookin that way. I thought i was halucinating....oh ya! I was, but it was there!! I had this sweet spot on top of this 'lil out building of some sort with the perimeter fenced off probably at 8x10 and I was dancing on the roof of this building about 8ft in the air away from everyone except the 4 other cats that were up there with me. great memories....
favoritefavorite -
November 22, 2005
Subject: Oh Well
Subject: Oh Well
This certainly marked the beginning of the end for the East Coast heads I went to this show with. I had been to the Eugene shows in June and knew what
to expect, but it was worse. Towards the back of the field the sound would just drop out, come back and drop again. During Sug Mag, you could see a huge forest fire in the background. We got outta there.
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November 2, 2005
Subject: Snore
Subject: Snore
This was the last show I ever went to. I recall not having a great time. Listening to it again now, that first set had great energy. The second set
though? They sounded like they were stumbling through everything. Like Parrish had to wake them up to play the second set. I thought I saw some mention of noise on SOTM when reading the reviews earlier? Not clipping, but there is some digi-noise from SOTM through US Blues. Still worth downloading this. The clarity is pretty amazing overall. Man do I miss Jerry. I'll still take this over the 'AllmanDead' any day. But these days, even DSO plays the Dead better than the Dead.
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June 16, 2005
Subject: Great day on the farm....
Subject: Great day on the farm....
Hey...just so you know...Jack Straw rips. Was there and the boys were having fun! Truckin'-> New Speedway....c'mon. Half way through Long Way Home,
Vince took his shirt off and started doing this Elvis diddy in front of least that's how I remember it...
Try Jack Straw...the quality of sound is great and this song might encourage you to sample more.
Try Jack Straw...the quality of sound is great and this song might encourage you to sample more.
favorite -
May 26, 2005
Subject: Sad
Subject: Sad
This was The show that I finally gave up on the Dead. I actually liked the venue , the outside summer show in the middle of nowhere is cool. We drove up
from Rhode Island and had a blast in the lot and met lots of cool people.My buddy got interviewed by the local paper. It was a hot summer day and there were plenty of baloons and other stuff around to entertain. I'd seen the band 50+ times so I know a good show from a bad one. This was a bad one. I've never been so disinterested. It kind of dawned on me towards the end of the first set that it was kind of over for them. We left right after the drums.It was a sad sad day for me. I didn't stop going, I hit the run of garden shows and even came back to Highgate in 95.It had just been slowly declining for a few years and this was it. I've never gone back and listened to the tapes.Sorry to be such a bummer. I've since been rejuvenated by Ratdog and I am very enthusiastic again.Where's my time machine?
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May 9, 2005
Subject: Epic Journey
Subject: Epic Journey
This show was certainly what heads were asking for: a show far out of the cities of Pittsburgh and cleveland, Detroit etc..finally a show in the middle
of nowhere. This was a great time but as I recall this was sort of a weird environment.
I always wanted to see the Dead outdoors in VT. I had just seenthe shoreline run weeks earlier and it was hot. This show left me tripping my balls off whatching jerry on the big screen- and the music although not my favorite list, was hot.
Jerry's licks on Jack straw rock as does the whole first set basiclly. Yeah, it was 89 degrees and humid and Jerry was tired but the show is worth the download because it characterizes a time period for the dead very well. Not to mention the greaaat soundboard quality. Jerry sounds like he is picking with a needle or a nail or soemthing..his leads are PHENOMENAL>
It gets 5 stars for sound but really only 3 stars for performance.
I always wanted to see the Dead outdoors in VT. I had just seenthe shoreline run weeks earlier and it was hot. This show left me tripping my balls off whatching jerry on the big screen- and the music although not my favorite list, was hot.
Jerry's licks on Jack straw rock as does the whole first set basiclly. Yeah, it was 89 degrees and humid and Jerry was tired but the show is worth the download because it characterizes a time period for the dead very well. Not to mention the greaaat soundboard quality. Jerry sounds like he is picking with a needle or a nail or soemthing..his leads are PHENOMENAL>
It gets 5 stars for sound but really only 3 stars for performance.
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February 4, 2005 (edited)
Subject: Hate to be neg but....
Subject: Hate to be neg but....
This was just not the greatest performance of the year. Now the venue & scene were pretty sweet, the security went AWOL and joined the hippies for
this one. Much like the woodstock a few weeks later. It was nice to be "in the middle of nowhere" with no cops pepper sprayin us kids for havin fun(like meadowlands 2 weeks later). I don't know tho, maybee it was that long trffic jam heading in, or the heat but we just were'nt feeling the music this nite. I'm not to anal usually but this was the true begining of the end I thought...... Then came Boston & NYC in Oct. ;-)
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January 3, 2005 (edited)
Subject: Different folks
Subject: Different folks
Some of the folks here think the band wasn't into the scene or show.Hmmm.. I had a great time in the middle of the fields of Vermont. Granted, it took
hours to drive a few miles.
I think the show is one of the best post Brent era Summer shows period. One Garcia lyric flub during Uncle J, but otherwise outstanding, high energy playing. Truckin> Speedway was tasty indeed. Best Corrina I have in my collection. Brush fire next to the stage was scary...thought it was just the Lucy playing tricks on me..but it was real! during post space. Yikes.
I think the show is one of the best post Brent era Summer shows period. One Garcia lyric flub during Uncle J, but otherwise outstanding, high energy playing. Truckin> Speedway was tasty indeed. Best Corrina I have in my collection. Brush fire next to the stage was scary...thought it was just the Lucy playing tricks on me..but it was real! during post space. Yikes.
favorite -
December 21, 2004
Subject: Awful Show
Subject: Awful Show
This was the worst Dead show I've ever been to in my long illustrious time with the boys. The location, middle of nowhere Vermont in a town that was NOT
set up to deal with 20K deadheads. Sounds like I'm some sort of anal retentive yuppy, but I'm actually not. The port-a-potties were on the edge of the dustbowl, I mean field, and so people just pissed where they stood, which added a 'nice' touch... Anyway, the music also sucked despite a 10 day rest period. Let the Good Times Roll was pretty solid as was Jack Straw, but Corrinna and Way to Go Home were throw-aways. I left 1/2 way through the 2nd set (never did that before!) but I heard that Standing on the Moon was decent. I love the Dead and love these outdoor venues, but this was a really bad location. Phish would try it (successfully) a few years later...
Oxford Plains Speedway 1987 - now that was an AWESOME venue for a summer show!
Oxford Plains Speedway 1987 - now that was an AWESOME venue for a summer show!
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July 8, 2004
Subject: Great Vibe
Subject: Great Vibe
What a time this was, reminded me of better days with a great lot atmosphere. The next year was just so screwed up but this was a pristine time. The
recording is decent, not outstanding or anything else, the performance is average to slightly above average. Really impressive Jack Straw that would have been stellar if Jer could have kept the tempo to the end of his last solo. Let it Grow is long and solid. Truckin' has a nice bomb drop in it, watch the speakers. UJB's has lyrical flubs that are cringingly funny, almost seemed on purpose listening to it now, didn't get that feeling live. Standing is strong as is IWTTY and Sugar Mags. Overall decent but there are much better fall shows that can be picked up if you're just browsing. I give it a 3 and a half.
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May 31, 2004
Subject: Great scene
Subject: Great scene
Highgate was the peak of 94 summer tour...Overall great show...Great Sound... What more do you need but a great memory to go with it...
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