Hell In A Bucket-> Sugaree, Minglewood Blues, Friend Of The Devil, Queen Jane Approximately, To Lay Me Down-> Let It Grow Playin' In The Band-> Crazy Fingers-> Samson & Delilah-> Playin' In The Band Reprise-> Eyes Of The World-> Drums-> Space-> The Other One-> Stella Blue-> Throwing Stones-> Not Fade Away, E: The Mighty Quinn
sbd> dats> wav> shn; dat> wav> shn by popi n. feeldz, from Michael Grossman DAT seed
December 29, 2020 Subject:
Brent is on
Reviewer:Pig Street !
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June 5, 2020 Subject:
3rd Stone From the Sun
A very brief 3rd Stone From the Sun quote between Jerry and Brent happens right before the show starts on @2:05-2:15 of the tuning....... thanks lucasmcain
January 16, 2018 Subject:
bread crumb
I sang a little while and then flew on.
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April 28, 2008 Subject:
Great show
I remember these shows being really solid, but perhaps I'd forgotten just how good they were because the 31st dominates my memory (see my review of that
show too). Listen to the first set - this show is perfectly played. Seriously. Listen to Jerry's voice on To Lay Me Down and tell me you've heard it any better in the 80s. Brent is all over the place in a sick, but not obtrusive, way. Song selection is great. Everything is just completely on. Let it Grow has some fantastic interplay between Jerry and Brent. The Playin jam is uncluttered and features more strong interplay between Jerry and Brent. It flows really nicely into a beautiful Crazy Fingers. Brent brings the chills-up-the-spine on Sampson. Really sweet post-Sampson jam that breathes really nicely while riding the fence between Eyes and Playing and then finally dives into Eyes. The Eyes has an unrushed pace to it as well and is up there among the best of 88 in my opinion. Post-space is unoriginal in song selection, but well-played with solid energy.
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March 1, 2006 Subject:
Not as flashy as previous evening but, for the most part, flows well
1st Set: Busting out of the fence is a pretty good "Hell" that doesn't differ from the norm. At moments it appears that "Sugaree" will become seriously
combustable, but instead a just a fine fine version is produced. About a minute before we head into the minor rumblings of the "New Minglewood" Not Bobby's finest slide solo moments, but the band crunches enough to satiate. Like always, Brent's energy is such a boost to any song, especially his toy piano work in "FOTD." Say what you want about his songs, or his oft sloppiness but Brent was consistently engaging...always seeking to prove his worth to a band whose most important work came 7-12 years before his arrival. Yet his youthful eagerness worked wonders with a band sometimes searching for purpose. "Quen Jane" is slightly rushed through but is very well pronounced. "TLMD" is awfully sincere and sweetly intentioned. It's time for a dynamic "Let's Grow" and that's just about what we get. It's attacked, if not with a fury...with undeniable relish. "We'll be back in a little bit." 2nd Set: Nice thinking opening up with a "Playin." The song is well-composed but Bobby is trying a bit too hard with his enunciating. The ensuing jam doesn't get all that deep...Brent's too busy setting up the sparkling sky and Jerry's describing as well instead of prodding. It's pretty though and after some unnecessary noodling, they opt for "Crazy." I've always dug Phil's little pebble attack in this song that spurs along versions that need extra greasing. Jerry sounds lovely throughout. "Samson" definitely picks up the pace, but Bobby's forgetting lyrcis and I can think of plenty of versions from '77 and 3/22/90 that kicks this touche. That being said,it grooves. Wow, didn't expect fire during the bridge (see 5:45) Stop/Start and into an investigative "Playin Jam" And as long as you're looking within yourself, might as well search for your "Eyes." Minor intro jam but a spiffy if too linear version. It quiets up and drifts off as "Drums" approaches. It's loud whereas "Space" features a active spaceship hovering and 'farting?' (like at 4:15 and 4:24) Something's happening onboard and I hope it's not malelovent. (I have been misspelling this work, and will continue to) Of course "TOO" is near and when it arrives it's filled with capably handable menice. Plenty of sound effects throughout. "Stella" is pretty standard, Jerry tries but he's not in that mood. The off-putting realization leaves the band feeling the wear and takes them a bit to feel it during "Throwing." Things bristle with a bit more tension as the song develops. Still it's a bit underwhelming. Bom-de bop bop... of course it's "NFA" time. It's a pretty good post-hiatus version, followed by 4 minutes of chanting before they end the show with... a decently measured but bit tired "Quinn." 3 1/4 stars
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October 15, 2005 (edited)
My first show
this was my first show, I consider myself lucky to have been there. I remember finding a very small spiral notebook with a setlist and stars, the beginning
of this list was written very well, heh, by the beginning of the second set it looked like they were writing with a crayon between thier toes!!! and then all together abandoned it!!! I still have this notebook and many more memories just as good as this one, thanx for hosting this show... I forgot to mention that the Neville brothers opened the show and did a damned fine job of it too! :)
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June 20, 2005 Subject:
red eye jim speaks for me. iagree completely. good 3 night run
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January 31, 2005 Subject:
A solid show
This was a solid show, sandwiched between two stronger shows (12/28 and 12/31)...but this was a lot of fun, and well worth the d/l. Everything was well
played, and the TLMD was very heartfelt.
Reviewer:shed your skin
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December 29, 2004 (edited)
A great night for ballads!
First and foremost this show is not too shabby! I haven't the faintest idea why no one has written a review for it...I'm not going to build it up and
say it's the best ever, but their playing this evening is tightly knit, no bumps in the road. I'm a sucker for To Lay Me Down, and this version does not disappoint. The Other One is intense, I love the manipulation of Bobby's vocals in the second verse. Overall a solid show, good sound. 4 stars.