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Grateful Dead - Little Red Rooster

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Little Red Rooster.

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WOAH. Awesome rooster. Brent coming in and dominating vocals second half? Yes, please!
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Bob's slide work is CLEAN and on point and Jerry is in a frisky mood this night. Brent's B3 is hummin' - this version peels paint.
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This version is a raging BEAST! If you've never heard it, you're in for a treat.
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Highlights for me were Bobby's voice bouncing around the hall and Jerry's super sweet tone.
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Acceptable slide playing from Bobby. Nice extended organ solo, MIDI sax solo. Whole band playing blues choruses gives first set particular vibe.
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Bobby starts it dirty and growling, Brent just blows it the F#($ up, wow, killer stuff, Jerry is just ripping it too, clear and wonderful tone.