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Grateful Dead - The Weight

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead The Weight.

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out of half step catches everyone (including weir) off guard, awesome. Phil' s line is epic
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It's the last one and it's Brent's last song. While they continued to play it after he died, it was never the same.
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This has to be the best overall version from the Vince years. The boys are tight. Most true to the original The Band version.
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I really enjoy this one. This whole show was tremendous. Epic Shakedown/Foolish/DS Jam.
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This is really the best one I've heard--everyobody nails their parts/lyrics...great piano fills on the side (yay, Bruce!). Just exactly, etc.
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This is the best version that I got to see live during the Vince years. Everyone is totally invested in the song. Great end to a great show.