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Grateful Novice



Jack Straw
Oct. 4, 1981
Rainbow Theater

Bobby banter and jam before. Heats up nice and hot.
Sugar Magnolia
Oct. 11, 1984
Civic Center

Great end to a great segment of music.
Black Peter
Oct. 11, 1984
Civic Center

Jerry's voice sounds alright and he cuts up the ending.
Dear Mr. Fantasy
Oct. 11, 1984
Civic Center

Jerry cuts it up while Brent whoops.
Drums -> Space
Oct. 11, 1984
Civic Center

Melodic and intersting drums into a feedback space > Dear Mr. Fantasy


I Know You Rider
May 1, 1970
Alfred College

One of the best acoustic versions. Fun fact: this song uses basically the same chords as Morning Dew, and you can hear the similarities during this slower acoustic versions.
Deep Elem Blues
May 1, 1970
Alfred College

this whole show needs love!
China Cat Sunflower -> I Know You Rider
Feb. 17, 1973
St. Paul Auditorium

China Cat very good not great, until that country rock rainbow appears at the end. Rider is phenomenal, dig Jerry's lines ca. 45 seconds in.
Here Comes Sunshine
Feb. 17, 1973
St. Paul Auditorium

I'd agree that none of the performances individually is an all-timer, but the transitions are something else entirely. complete Oneness.
Dancin' in the Streets
April 14, 1978
Cassell Coliseum - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

This year's very hit or miss for me, but when it works, it works. Good playing from all involved, I especially liked Bobby's record scratch-strumming.