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Lil Blu Cockrel



Cryptical Envelopment
April 6, 1969
Avalon Ballroom

Can't just have The Other One listed for 69. Cryptical Envelopment matters, people!
Death Don't Have No Mercy
Feb. 15, 1969
Electric Factory

How this one has not been submitted already is beyond me. Peak era, amazing show all around.
Turn On Your Love Light
May 30, 1969
Springer's Inn

This one goes to "cow bell". Great end to a thoroughly wonderful show.
St. Stephen
May 30, 1969
Springer's Inn

Can't get enough of SS in 69; perfectly cromulent and into a dynamite 11 (as usual)
St. Stephen
April 26, 1969
The Electric Theatre

Wonderful St. Stephen totally representative of the era; Bobby doesn't even toss out a quip.


Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
March 28, 1969
Student Center

Pass it on! > 2018 Miller upgrade https://archive.org/details/gd1969-03-28.140994.sbd.bear.lubar.dalton.miller.clugston.flac1644/Gd69-03-28T03DarkStar.flac
Dark Star
March 28, 1969
Student Center

Important for enjoying this whole show; read up comment re: Miller source upgrade
Mountains of the Moon
March 1, 1969
Fillmore West

TC really shines beautifully here.
Cosmic Charlie
March 1, 1969
Fillmore West

Kind of heard it again for the first time just now; you might think Cosmic Charlie isn't your cup of tea but try this out: Caboose, Rag, Charlie. Sweet, sweet stuff.
Turn On Your Love Light
Feb. 27, 1969
Fillmore West

While I think the next night is a better, more 'magical' Love Light, I'd say Pigpen is actually better here; more risque too.