The Other One
Feb. 23, 1974
Winterland Arena
The space section has some real heavy Phil bombs, but it really starts to heat up after with, as others have pointed out a nice slipknot jam. Slows for a few seconds, but then the return to the main theme can only be described as triumphant and truly heavy shit. Grendel's comment above describes it perfectly. Full spectrum communication, with Lesh and Jerry dueling wonderfully and Keith and Bobby adding some great tones, Billy doing so much more than just keeping up with a giant slugfest. Easily one of my favorite 73-74 other ones. Eases into a stellar Eyes, beautiful juxtaposition. I was skeptical of Dave's 42 being a release from a run already covered, but it has since become one of my favorites of the series and this 2nd set sequence is the reason why