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Weirs Jort Army



Around and Around
May 4, 1979
Hampton Coliseum

Not usually my song, but this one cranks into hyper speed, with Brent preaching on the organ and Jerry nailing the licks
May 4, 1979
Hampton Coliseum

Not the longest version, but hot with some interesting diversions into different territory than a normal Truckin'. Segues effortlessly into Stella
May 4, 1979
Hampton Coliseum

Fiery version - Jerry is ON. Mothership on hype. Worthy of a focused spin
Terrapin Station
May 6, 1990
California State University Dominguez Hills

Powerful ~16 min version with strong Chill Lesh prominence
Bird Song
Oct. 9, 1980
Warfield Theater

Fluttering acoustic beauty from the Warfield


Bird Song
Sept. 7, 1973
Nassau Coliseum

Has everything I love about great Bird Songs. This one soars
Here Comes Sunshine
Sept. 7, 1973
Nassau Coliseum

This one SLAPS. Jerry is lightening quick and deadly accurate. Superb
Tennessee Jed
May 9, 1977
War Memorial

Jed is far from my song, but spun this back for the ann’y and oooof, shit, this one SLAPS. Big Jerry energy... crisp, tight heater
He's Gone
Sept. 3, 1972
Folsom Field, University of Colorado

Gorgeous, with an amazing swell at the end and a flawless transition into a monster TOO. Top shelf
New Potato Caboose
Aug. 24, 1968
Shrine Auditorium

Holy f*ck!! Phil hits an absolute moonshot with this. Completely takes over and guides the band into a purely blissful jam