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millennial head



Samson and Delilah
June 10, 1976
Boston Music Hall

Phil’s and Jerry’s sixteenth-note runs light up this version with a country-blues twang faintly reminiscent of Cumberland.
June 27, 1983
Poplar Creek Music Theater

Shimmering, dazed Space highlighted by some of Brent’s wildest keyboard tones and textures.
Sept. 10, 1974
Alexandra Palace

Phil drops some serious bombs to complement Jerry’s ringing leads.
Pretty Peggy O
Aug. 24, 1980
Grand Center

Jerry’s solo is a fountain of melodic exuberance, reminiscent of the BEW earlier in the set.
Wharf Rat
Oct. 27, 1973
Indianapolis State Fair Coliseum

Worth switching to the AUD to hear the explosive ending after the SBD cuts out. Just awe-inspiring.


Oct. 5, 1984
Charlotte Coliseum

*cooling into
Dancin' in the Streets
Jan. 7, 1978
Golden Hall

Very jammy. Quite conceivably what an early ’78 Dark Star might have sounded like.
St. Stephen
Oct. 15, 1977
Moody Coliseum - Southern Methodist University

This had me cranking the volume. Excellent jamming. Also give 1/11/78 a try.
Lost Sailor -> Saint of Circumstance
Dec. 7, 1981
Des Moines Civic Center

I’m not sure I hear it as Supplication, but the jam out of Saint into Drums is indeed excellent.
May 11, 1977
St. Paul Civic Center Arena

I dispute GDM’s labeling of this as Space — ’77-’78 had a lot of solo Garcia moments, just like Phil was prone to stepping out in ’72-’73 or Bob/Brent before drums in the early ’80s — but it’s a magnificent moment.