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millennial head



Samson and Delilah
April 26, 1977
Capitol Theater

Not just a straightforward rocker. Keith adds an icy contrast to Jerry’s fire while the drummers up the tension.
June 15, 1985
Greek Theater

Sparkling version. Worth your attention as you savor the perfect Oade AUD.
Let It Grow
June 14, 1985
Greek Theater

Spectacular depth, detail, and feeling. Drummers drive the transitions, while Jerry offers cool rhythmic variations.
China Cat Sunflower -> I Know You Rider
Dec. 5, 1969
Fillmore West

Exploratory transition jam! Very different from most early versions. Has that anarchic ’60s energy.
Black Peter
Dec. 5, 1969
Fillmore West

Practically flawless early version played with focus and intensity.


Oct. 5, 1984
Charlotte Coliseum

*cooling into
Dancin' in the Streets
Jan. 7, 1978
Golden Hall

Very jammy. Quite conceivably what an early ’78 Dark Star might have sounded like.
St. Stephen
Oct. 15, 1977
Moody Coliseum - Southern Methodist University

This had me cranking the volume. Excellent jamming. Also give 1/11/78 a try.
Lost Sailor -> Saint of Circumstance
Dec. 7, 1981
Des Moines Civic Center

I’m not sure I hear it as Supplication, but the jam out of Saint into Drums is indeed excellent.
May 11, 1977
St. Paul Civic Center Arena

I dispute GDM’s labeling of this as Space — ’77-’78 had a lot of solo Garcia moments, just like Phil was prone to stepping out in ’72-’73 or Bob/Brent before drums in the early ’80s — but it’s a magnificent moment.