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Grateful Dead Oct. 17, 1984

Meadowlands Arena East Rutherford, NJ | Listen on archive

Users have designated the following versions as heady!
Help On The Way > Slipknot > Franklin's Tower
Phil dominates the help slipknot segment Jerry has some voice issues but makes up for it in his playing here. Phil inspires Jerry to some heady space
Aiko Aiko
Terrific jamming into fast-rocking Promised Land. First set opener. Great show.
Terrapin Station
Oddly dreamy and mellow. What it lacks in urgency in the coda, it makes up for in the jam out into drums...
Terrapin Station
Oddly dreamy and mellow. What it lacks in urgency in the coda, it makes up for in the jam out into drums...
Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad
Segues gorgeously out of a raggedly beautiful Stella. Set closer.