Grateful Dead Live at Greensboro Coliseum on 1989-03-30
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- Publication date
- 1989-03-30 ( check for other copies)
- Topics
- Live concert
- Collection
- GratefulDead
- Band/Artist
- Grateful Dead
- Resource
- DeadLists Project
- Item Size
- 1.1G
Bertha, Jack Straw, Row Jimmy, Blow Away, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Bird Song, Promised Land China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Looks Like Rain-> He's Gone-> Drums-> Jam-> The Other One-> Stella Blue-> Sugar Magnolia, E: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Mark Horvath FOB Senn. 421Âs>Sony TC-D5>MC>CDR; via Paul "Raoul" B; Seeded to etree by Brad Ingle
- Addeddate
- 2004-07-07 10:54:24
- Discs
- 0
- Has_mp3
- 1
- Identifier
- gd89-03-30.sennheiser-fob.ingle.10059.sbeok.shnf
- Location
- Greensboro, NC
- Shndiscs
- 2
- Type
- sound
- Venue
- Greensboro Coliseum
- Year
- 1989
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October 27, 2011
Subject: Rainy night Bertha
Subject: Rainy night Bertha
Rained just before the Show. Kicked off with a high energy Bertha. Very nice!!!Hate to say so, but the most energy I ever felt off of a Bertha other
then this was a Phil and Freinds Show in Glens Falls where the guy from Phish sat in. I guess he was under house arrest down in Saratoga or something. Dude broght it. Why don't you arrest me!!! Yeah, good times Stevie Z. Wish you where there Johnny O.
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June 18, 2008
Subject: Very good show
Subject: Very good show
The next night was better, but this was good as well. Blow Away in particular has some great energy.
Hey demigodband: let's see, you were a gate-crasher ... and lot-scene beer seller? Great, way to go. While many of us were working to save the scene, you were tearing it down. Thanks.
Hey demigodband: let's see, you were a gate-crasher ... and lot-scene beer seller? Great, way to go. While many of us were working to save the scene, you were tearing it down. Thanks.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 8, 2008
Subject: they took our beer
Subject: they took our beer
I think my brother pushed the door open in the hallway and me and some others snuck in. Good show, typical 1989. I tried the beer selling business at this
show. Some friends and I got a ride from some townies. We picked up about 20 cases of Becks. On the way back to the show, the fuzz pulled us over and informed us of some law that forbids the possesion of more than 10 cases. Needless to say, they took all the beer and instead of making some money and enjoying our day...the coppers got drunk on my dime. Broke again!
October 24, 2007
Subject: make jboy go away!!
Subject: make jboy go away!!
he must be stopped. also, this recording, i got pinched for reefer in greensboro the following year. AND, back in 83' they decided the only
good commie is a dead commie. greensboro actually sucks.
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March 13, 2006
Subject: Which college is in Greensborough?
Subject: Which college is in Greensborough?
1st Set: Everyone's excited about "Bertha"'s arrival. The sound is being filtered through a 'long black veil.' The opening number is speedy and breezing
by rock...but the solos don't electrify. Wow, without pause, it's "Jack" and he's just as up-tempo and even more effective than the former song. I know I'd be out of breath with excitement at the 4's by this one-two punch of an opener. "Row" has a steadying beat and decent thruline. Odd moment after two minutes of tuning where the drummers and Brent are on different pages. Obviously the song wins out over the beat. Standard version of "Blow Away" although Brent's excites the crowd by doing 'Simon Says' with their 'fists.' Not sloppy musically, but "Masterpiece" sounds drunkenly hopeful. Another 70 seconds of tuning and it's time to hope for a soaring "Bird." I like the uneasy moments of 6 when they're skating on thin ice. An enthusiastic "Promised" closes out another short 7 song set.
2nd Set: Despite some listless moments in "China/Rider" where the drummers feel the need to alter their approach, they hardly differentiate their lazy tit/a/tat beat. The notes are flying disposably fast but things gain a firm ground and a rugged jaw when the words kick in. Like 'Jack' earlier, all three are good versions but I prefer listening to Greensborough 4/1/91 - a rare gem in a musically overstuffed period. Ahhh...and we're following the 4/1 formula with a "LLR." It peaks, like most do, during the tingly outro with Jerry repeating those tender notes and over. Like 'Row' earlier, "He's Gone"'s pace is even-handed but never stolid making it capable of singing along. However, the presentation is a bit error-prone but still satisfying due to the quality crowd. Before they segue into "Drums" the jam builds close to a 'Truckin.' "Drums" is at its best when Mickey's messing with an array of xylophones. "Space" commands with Jerry's strong pushing notes. The crunch concludes into "TOO" that relevates around the theme for the first 50 seconds before veering in off-road territory. Don't worry it's smooth sailings that has us as an audience viewing a chase during an imagined video game, 'moonhunter.' Musically "Stella" provides the tonal fix but the vocals lack feeling til the last few minutes. "Sugar" is chocolate filled goodness.
"Knockin" sends us to the aisles eager to find some mattress solace.
3 1/5th star
2nd Set: Despite some listless moments in "China/Rider" where the drummers feel the need to alter their approach, they hardly differentiate their lazy tit/a/tat beat. The notes are flying disposably fast but things gain a firm ground and a rugged jaw when the words kick in. Like 'Jack' earlier, all three are good versions but I prefer listening to Greensborough 4/1/91 - a rare gem in a musically overstuffed period. Ahhh...and we're following the 4/1 formula with a "LLR." It peaks, like most do, during the tingly outro with Jerry repeating those tender notes and over. Like 'Row' earlier, "He's Gone"'s pace is even-handed but never stolid making it capable of singing along. However, the presentation is a bit error-prone but still satisfying due to the quality crowd. Before they segue into "Drums" the jam builds close to a 'Truckin.' "Drums" is at its best when Mickey's messing with an array of xylophones. "Space" commands with Jerry's strong pushing notes. The crunch concludes into "TOO" that relevates around the theme for the first 50 seconds before veering in off-road territory. Don't worry it's smooth sailings that has us as an audience viewing a chase during an imagined video game, 'moonhunter.' Musically "Stella" provides the tonal fix but the vocals lack feeling til the last few minutes. "Sugar" is chocolate filled goodness.
"Knockin" sends us to the aisles eager to find some mattress solace.
3 1/5th star
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March 31, 2005 (edited)
Subject: ran into a rain storm
Subject: ran into a rain storm
man did it rain outside a couple hours before the show. heads were blown all over the lot. it was a mini hurricane. So the Bertha was the natural call.
Good 1st set. B>jackstraw open Bird Song>promised closer hard to go wrong with that. The previous review is dead on the china>rider kinda limped along but the LLR> he's gone, as typical as that is, put the show in overdrive. Very Nice with Mickey pulling off some great thunder sounds at the end of the LLR. The rest just rolled on good and solid. Good show but overshadowed by the next night. Although, it seemed like every other night on this tour they came outa space with the other 1>stella, that got a little old. sound is very solid esp. compared to the quality I got 15 years ago. good place to see a show but you had to be aware in the lots as the "man" was out in full force. even my bro got busted for smoking a bowl. saw some guy get busted with a god damn farmacy in his van. high 3's for this, round up to 4.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 20, 2004 (edited)
Subject: Phenomenal show
Subject: Phenomenal show
This was the best show I ever attended. The band was dead on and the crowd was with them every step of the way. Extremely high energy show. The X-Factor
was in full force this night. Jerry had some guitar difficulties at the beginning of the 2nd set. Toward the end of China Cat you can hear his guitar kick in again. The crowd responds instantly. This is a must have show. Im hoping the SBD of it will appear on here soon. This particular recording is okay, but a board would be orgasmic.
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