Truckin', Loser, Mr. Charlie, Jack Straw, China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider, Run Rudolph Run, El Paso, Tennessee Jed, Mexicali Blues, Black Peter, Next Time You See Me, Casey Jones Big Railroad Blues, Me And My Uncle, Ramble On Rose, Playing In The Band, Cryptical Envelopment > Drums > The Other One > Me And Bobby McGee > The Other One > Wharf Rat, One More Saturday Night, E: Uncle John's Band
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December 12, 2023 Subject:
Felt Forum
There is a better copy,but sorry to say it circulated over 20 rears ago. I really enjoyed this show, having seen other fall 71’ concerts, this one stands
out among a couple others. Little new twists have now entered Jerry’s repertoire, and about to embark on a European tour,they are set after some great shows in the USA. GOd Bless Them……
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December 6, 2020 Subject:
Is there anything a man don't stand to lose..
Keith has found his place in the band's sound. Pig is back and ready to rock (Run Rudolph) The Sound is gelling sweetly. Might even call these the apex
shows with Keith & Pig until Europe 72. (Academy of Music seems much more a tune-up for the European Tour.) I really believe the band feeds off that December in N.Y.C vibe. "City of Lights , with no fear of war" Saw where they found an owl in the Rockefeller Christmas tree this year. How about that! I like how Garcia was getting in a ballad late in the 1st set for this run. Actually anytime Jerry did that was a bonus. They don't dip into the psychedelic well to often during this time period but when they do they jump in HEAD first. I heard that Mr. Mojo Rising was getting his liquid inspiration from the GD vine. This is a HOT run of shows!
Reviewer:Jim F
December 4, 2020 Subject:
Bear was still in federal prison in December 1971. Great show.
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September 10, 2020 Subject:
teabag's a joke.
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January 8, 2017 Subject:
This show, along with the other 'Felt Forum' shows from this run, are all excellent. All of us true Deadheads are lucky to have such great recordings available
to us anytime we want & totally free. I must disagree with d-bags comment below; oh, I meant teabag. Owsley Bear Stanley was an incredible sound man, along with being phenomenal at so many other things, & the world is blessed to have had Bears many amazing contributions to the world. Most people have no idea how greatly he influenced the art of getting great sound from a live band, especially a band putting out as much sound and cosmic energy as the Dead did. We have Bears vision to thank for the proto-wall of sound shows in '73 & of course the legendary Wall of Sound shows in '74. Do some research on just how amazing that system was and it will blow your friggin mind as well as your ear holes. But to get back to this run of Felt Forum shows- they are undeniably awesome & groovy & are totally worthy of the official release they'll be getting from Dave's Picks 22 (12-6&7-1971). Thank you Grateful Dead, Thank you Owsley Stanley, Thank you for your contributions to the world.
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December 7, 2012 Subject:
Oh God,
check out Mr. Charlie! Anybody heard anything funkier anywhere?
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February 26, 2012 (edited)
Great playin' in the band here, have not listened to the entire show, but will do. Rating based on tracks listened to.
The screen name alone should fully discount, "Teabag69"'s review of this show. However, as his the first on display, I thought, just in case, I should
help him fulfill the obvious intent of his posting, and as apple tends not to come to rest so far from it's tree, likely, his very raison de etre. The context recklessly supposed, in regard to Healy, is so utterly misinformed, as to strongly suggest the poster in question has not yet reached the age of majority, nor its cognative equivalent. What was the technology, what where the circumstances?...and the Bear, for all that the Bear was and is, this Teabag69 is like the master of a pit bull who thinks its "cool" to pour it nothing but malt liquor on a swealtering day in housing projects. That is to say, someone deserving of empathy, and perhaps, even reget for all that we couldn't do for him. Bear is and does remain, unrealized, in our collective consciousness. Even McNally, who is surely a worthly chronicler, and someone, who should have known far better, found himself so far from the mark in regard to Bear...chemist, alchemist, underwriter, ad-hoc manager, artist, acoustician, financier, engineer, and to turn Emerson's phrase, benefactor, guide, to render an obvious injustice...however, the beauty of it is, his generosity, as well as that of so many who, don't popularly head-line, but yet quietly, courageously, and selflessly, gave/give all to keep the show going... Surely, even those of us who haven't yet bargained for the ticket and been ushered to, Frankin's Tower, or Desolation Row, or to the poker table in Abilene, or to Stephen's Garden, or at last or all, the time past believing, might be fortunate enough to appreciate, in our own way and respectfully, all that is involved with just the twinkling of a star, all that is involved with taking for those who didn't realize it then, what happened then, and projecting it to now... As you approximate Bear's consciousness, or even fuller avenues available to you, you won't be you, it won't sound like "Bear's" recording...approximately, here will unfold the realization of the the contradiction blindly impressed into "Teabag69" resolves into the unknowing wonder of the gift... Thank you, Bear. Bear, here, as elsewhere, faithly rendered the transmission, the better question is: have you received it?
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March 20, 2010 Subject:
Tough Period Sound-Wise
In reading the gap below between opinions in sound quality I wanted to just thjrow out there - late 1971 was a tough period for the band sound-wise. Healy
had left, Owsley ahd been running things, and who knbows what the heck his ears woul dhear on any goiven night. For a little insight on this check out Rock Scully's book, healy talks about seeing the band at the Fekt Forum for the first time in a year ir two, and he commentced on how horrible they sounded. I have to agree. yes thse are decen tboards, esp for 1971, but the solid sound foundation simply was not there. I still think the 5th is th ebest of this run, for what iot's worth, but I have always liked this show.
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January 1, 2008 Subject:
first show
This was my first Dead show at the ripe old age of 17...needless to say I went back the next nite and again and again and get it. How wonderful
it is to go back in time and be able to re-live that wonderful lysergic experience...When Truckin opened the show two skeletons dropped from either side of the stage and a neon flashing behind the band reading GRATEFUL DEAD.Whew! I was on the bus from that point on...good clean show and Pig was still pretty healthy...Listening to it again I give it a 4 for quality...a 5 for nostalgia
Reviewer:Bird Creek, Alaska
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December 7, 2006 Subject:
35 years tonight. So clear you feel like you are there. I've come to no good, I knew I would.
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December 30, 2005 Subject:
12-6-71 & Felt Forum All Night's:
12-7-71 Band Smokin', Tight & Intricate Jamming, get all nights, last full year with/ Ron. Can't believe all the complaining about qualty... This is
1971' reviews are for music. Stop Listening to music on a "Real" systen & i think you'll find these Recordings MORE Than Good. I've had portions of these shows for 30 Years. Didn't Complain then & I am not NOW!!!
Flawless, clear sound quality. Great show. None of the jams really get boring, which is an excellent this point the band's line-up was still
soaking up all its glory, with Pigpen still in. With more structured songs, Jerry took more of the spotlight, vs. some of those 66'-68' shows with stinging blues and Pigpen nearly fronting them, but his influence, along with every other members influence is still in there for good measure. And when he does step out, its always pleasent. (For an example of this, see the always groovy Mr. Charlie with an excellent Pigpen vocal. For the rest of his show he's tearing it up behind the organ...playing a bigger part in the overall sound then one might assume.) This is literally at the quality of a release you'd buy at the store such as Steppin' Out With The Grateful Dead: England '72. So I certainly reccomend you at least give it a stream. Let them play for you.
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January 21, 2005 Subject:
Sounds good to me...
I consider myself a SBD snob...pretty much the sound quality is all I care about, as I always seem to find something great about a performance from this
band. And maybe its b/c I'm listening through earbuds...but this sounds pretty damn good to me, especially for 1971.
Reviewer:dirty jev-o
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October 26, 2004 (edited)
maybe their best night?
maybe it was, but the more stuff i dl here, the more i want everyone to really review for SOUND is plauged by distorted piano
many times will i listen to this one? probably not very much regardless of how great the band is here, {are they ever not good?} i have to give it 3 stars further listening-----cut at intro casey jones and more buzzing on kick drum yucky come on dr. listen listen listen i love!!!
Reviewer:dr. flashback
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July 9, 2004 (edited)
Top Ten!!
One of my first collected SBD shows from 1971, and it's still one of my favs. All of these nights at the MSG Forum would make a nice box set wouldn't they?
This may be their best night. Unlike some 71 shows, the band is tight and together tonight. Great versions of Loser, Truckin, Black Peter and Ramble On. Listen to Playin - you can already sense the expanded direction it will soon take in Europe 72 and beyond. As a matter of fact, listen to this show next to a Euro 72 one, and you'll be hard pressed to tell the difference. The band is that good here, and the sets are very similar. The Other One>B McGee>Other One sandwich explores nearly 30 minutes worth of sparkling playing, with Jerry, Phil and Keith really hooking up. 1971 was not really their psychedelic period, but you wouldn't know it from this version. It really smokes,with the two keyboards churning out tumbling rhythms and counterpoint to Jerry's soaring solo work. I can't believe no one yet reviewed this one? It's waiting to turn you on, folks. A must have for 1971 lovers. New comments: I am listening as I write here, and I have to say this sounds as clean as any from 1971 that I've heard. Its lineage is MSB>Dat>Cd and it doesn't get any purer than that folks. Yes, there is intermittent distortion from Keith's piano mike throughout, as in 11/7/71, but that hasn't stopped folks from enjoying that one either. I have to remember that - 1. These are ALL shows from analog, hissy, masters. 2. These 1971 sources are 34 years old! When I want technical squeaky clean, I go put on my Steely Dan. It would hard to pick 10 top shows from 1971 that DIDN'T have some flaws and minor hiss. However, let me add that there ARE shows I will mention and review that do have serious sound quality problems, but that I still consider worth listening to sometimes. The shows 11/26/72 (high gen SBD,kinda muddy) and 3/21/73 (flood damaged Betty board, but great Dark Star). enjoy this great show with refreshments! Dr. Flashback ;-)