Jack Straw-> Sugaree, Wang Dang Doodle, Friend Of The Devil, Me & My Uncle-> Big River, Ramble On Rose, Memphis Blues, Valley Road Help On The Way-> Slipknot!-> Franklin's Tower, Saint Of Circumstance, Eyes Of The World-> Drums-> Jam-> The Other One-> Morning Dew-> Box Of Rain, E: U.S. Blues
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February 5, 2008 Subject:
My First Dead Show
This was my first Dead show. I was 11 years old and my dad took me to this show on a school night. I remember my mom wasn't that happy about being out
so late on a weekday. Anyways, the only two Dead albums I listened to at that time were "Anthem" and "American Beauty." I was so excited when they played "The Other One" and especially "Box of Rain." It was quite an experience for me. My fondest memory of the Dead Community came at set break. I had to go to the bathroom and went by myself. I climbed up the stairs to the main level from the our floor seats in my Steal Your Face t-shirt and couldn't believe how many people were in line for the men's bathroom. I am standing there at the back of the line and all of a sudden someone nudged me forward. Everyone started yelling, "Kid coming through!" I got guided up to the front of the line past about 100 people and did my deed. As an 11 year old, I though, "What nice people." I made it back down to my seat for the start of the second set. Great memories for me! Thanks for putting this show up! It brings back a lot of very fond memories. Cheers!
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July 28, 2007 Subject:
Favorite box of rain
I remember there was so much energy in the building building up to the end of morning dew.... then box of rain starts and a like a cool breeze the temperature
dropped noticeably as everyone relaxed. The "spinners" were out in force at this show. Walking the hallways there were so many women spinning in circles to Jerry, dresses flowing. beautiful stuff. (but sitting during bobby songs ?!?) Boy it was cold outside, the wind was really blowing. Still this 3 days was my favorite trip to Denver ever.
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November 18, 2005 Subject:
glitchy version
this show sounds great, but it is majorly glitched up especially on Eyes. If you are looking for a coherent version, go to the other SBD of this show.
5 star performance, 3 star sound.
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June 15, 2005 Subject:
Thanks sacre29
Thanks for that great story. Sometimes the karma just falls your way......and it did that night.
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June 15, 2005 Subject:
Check this out
So I mail ordered for this show (which I rarely did in the 80 some odd shows I saw), and upon arriving for the 2nd in a 3 show run, was really psyched
as this was the only floor seat I got in 3 nights. The ticket (which I still have) says "Sec AAA, Row 1, seat 11". Thinking my seat is at the back of the arena on the floor behind Secs A-Z & AA-ZZ, I stroll into the show w/ a nice lil buzz and a feeling of intense anticipation. I tell my friends I'll see them at set break and head down to find my (not-so-great) floor seat. After walking down the stairs, I arrive at the back of the floor and ask an usher where my seat is and he points towards the front of the arena. After the fourth usher does the same, I find myself front row. I look at the fifth usher and he says "That one, in the middle". By this time, I'm so psyched I nearly piss myself. I sit down in the seat, pinching myself to make sure it's not a dream. I take a glimpse of the stage and am checking out Jerry's guitar when a really deep voice says "I think this is me". I turn around and my eyes scan from floor to ceiling. "Holy Andre the Giant" I'm thinking to myself, "this guy is huge!". After a few seconds of stammering, I realize it's Bill Walton, and his seat is right next to mine. I stick out my hand and say "Howyadoin Mr. Walton"? He shakes my hand and says "It's going to be a great show". The show starts shortly thereafter and I'm literally right in the middle of Jerry and Bruce Hornsby. The first set is pretty standard, but being front row makes it a breathtaking event. I shook my tailfeathers as much as possible, especially to Long Valley Road. After meeting my friends at setbreak, telling them the news and then reupping my buzz, I return to my seat to enjoy the best second set I have ever seen. Again, My seats definitely were the icing on the cake, but that setlist smokes!!! In addition, as previously mentioned, the Morning Dew was soo incredible I had a religious experience. After the show, I ran into another group of friends who told me they were sitting behind the stage halfway up, watching "this dude who was front row dancing, and he looked exactly like you". I've never laughed so hard in all my life. This is a great show , and other than the few glitches already mentioned, I highly reccomend it.
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December 14, 2004 Subject:
From what I remember, the band was smokin' during the dew. Jerry was on fire. It ended and it seemed as everyone was stunned. Nobody knew what to do so
Phil busts out the Box of Rain. Yea PHIL.
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May 6, 2004 Subject:
Best of the run
This show just has it all great song selection and great playing. Aside from the dark stars this show was my favorite of the run
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April 17, 2004 Subject:
Excellent Show, Some glitches in the recording
The title of this review kind of says it all. This is a stellar show. The whole run was amazing, you could feel a palpable sense of magic in the air all
three nights. This recording sounds great (A+), but there are some digi-pops and static here and there and there is a somewhat brutal cut towards the end of Eyes. Still worth picking up though. I'd give it a solid 5 stars if it weren't for the recording glitches.