Touch Of Gray, Little Red Rooster, Brown Eyed Women, Mama Tried-> Mexicali Blues, Althea, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Bird Song, Promised Land Scarlet Begonias-> Fire On The Mountain-> Scarlet Begonias, Playin' In The Band-> Built To Last-> Drums-> Jam-> I Will Take You Home-> The Other One-> Wharf Rat-> Around & Around-> Playin' In The Band, E: Brokedown Palace
Healy Ultra Mix - sbd+aud> cm> dat> cd; via Aaron Kowalski to loop; missing encore; note most md5s and/or tracks of d3 were accidentally labelled as d2tn; renamed version (md5s shown here) may circulate >8/15/01 thanks to Aaron
Reviewer:grateful phishmon
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January 15, 2024 Subject:
WHY HAVE YOU REMOVED THE PAUSE BUTTON??? I had to click on Add Review to pause the playback. There is no pause button anymore. How can you have streaming
audio without a pause button??? Anyway, about the show, this is a standout for spring 89, which had a lot of really short, jamless second sets. Not this one. You not only have the lengthy Birdsong in the first set (though this one doesn't hit the peaks of some), you get a nice improvisational Scarlet>Fire, Playin' and Other One. That brings me to a beef about the recording, though, Jerry needs to be LOUDER!! He really doesn't get going in Fire until the final jam, but then I can hardly hear him. He's wailing all over The Other One -- I can barely hear him then, either. I love the interplay between instruments, I like being able to hear Bob, Brent, and Phil really well, but not at the expense of Jerry. Especially on Fire.
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September 27, 2013 Subject:
Built to Last
Built to Last, like all the late Hunter/Garcia work, mean more to me as the years pass, as I too transition into middle age, and beyond. Similarly with
Days Between. This Playing>Last>Playing is as good as it gets! Nice to hear it in the 2nd set. Almost no show beyond 1983 gets a full 5 stars from me, but htis is a solid 4 star night, with 5 stars on this part of the show.
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January 22, 2013 Subject:
Steve's show :)
Love most all the shows but this one holds a special place. There was a small bunch of us travelling to shows from BGSU, we had a buddy who was in a bad
accident a few months before the show-wasn't supposed to walk again-long story short. Phil called him in his hospital room the day of the show, steve asked him to play wharf and sure enough the rest of us got to hear it thinking of Steve;didn't know till after Steve talked to Phil. Took awhile but Steve got up and got on his feet again, was supposed to be in a chair the rest of his life-now married with a few kids and flying :). Special show :)
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February 21, 2010 (edited)
I know it is an old post but I totally agree with dmilks opinions on sharing. I have no problem with someone getting paid for their work and I am not
going to blame Bobby soley for pulling the dls off-line. However, they were the ones who allowed the tapers to begin with, so taking them back because dls became too easy makes no sense. Anyway, terrific show and sound. Glad we can still listen and relive with archive. Peace
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June 13, 2008 Subject:
Very Good show
Overall: sounds more like straight SBD than Healey mix. Anyway, a very solid show. Great song selection and well played. Jerry’s voice is struggling
a bit. Phil’s bass is pretty far up in the mix, which is nice of course. The scene: the last time I danced with cid. Had a great time and didn’t know it would be the last time, but just had been doing it less and less and after this just never did again. Perhaps I had learned the dance steps I was meant to learn and it was time to move on. The music: Very nice song selection with really strong playing, IMO. Very nice jam in Bird Song with good listening and contributions from everyone. It doesn’t have an extreme high energy peak, but it is very well filled out and nicely played – signature jamming for where the band was headed at this time. Has anyone ever noticed that they always played great Scarlet>Fires in the far northern spots of any given East Coast tour? Toronto, Saratoga, Ithaca, Ann Arbor, etc. Just an observation. This one is very nice, with Brent and Phil really standing out in the jam. Playing jam is much like the Bird Song jam: great contributions from everyone and it explores some really nice ground. You can hear them almost go back for the reprise before they dive into Built (nice transition as others have mentioned). One of the few times Built had this prime-time slot, I think. Was Jerry trying to tell us something after the Pitt disaster? The nice little jam out of it heads back toward Playing, but doesn’t last as long as I’d like. Post-space is all good, with only the Other One standing out as noteworthy.
Reviewer:Chris Freedom
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March 24, 2007 Subject:
Call it back, you never will
This was a bridge to far for me and my VW BUS brokedown in Toledo, Ohio of all places.(home of the mudhens) Somehow still managed to get to the second
night show and the "Built to last" was worth all my grief. I also like when they jam and weave Playin so i was pretty happy until I had to spend 18 hours on the greyhound getting home.
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September 22, 2006 Subject:
can't download but remember
Well sitting here in limbo without any sort of Real internet connection but I still remember this show and the other one there as being of the very
best of all the shows I saw in my days. Definatly will request for my buddies stateside to send me this one quick. Hope I've go this right but I believe the other show is just as good and has the "duprees dimond blues" in it although the scarlet fire was definatly the barn burner for the stay. Anyway from memory I'd give this a five star show rating and a belated big big thanks to the U of M ann arbor heads for making such great hospitality for those shows. Cheeers
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January 31, 2006 (edited)
I am super surprised to see that nobody has given this show a 5 star rating. I see so many 5 star ratings for shows that IMHO don't merit it, and then
this one with a sick PITB>Built to Last transition, a Playin Reprise to end the show, a great first set, a killer Healy Matrix Mix, and a Brokedown encore, all very well played, and it gets 3 and 4 star ratings across the board. Go Figure..... When I stream this version, I go straight from drums to the playin reprise that ends the show. WTF?? Man, ever since Weir made these guys pull all the dl rights for SBD's, I have been unable to even stream these shows without issues. I guess I don't get the difference between the SBD's being traded for years without any issue, and now that there all conveniently in one place (which took many many thousands of hours for heads to do), it's a problem? Sorry Bob, but for a guy who claims to be "pathologically anti-authoritarian", this whole "taking back" of these shows makes not a shred of sense to yours truly, and yet seems very "authoritative". What's next? Are the tape police gonna come and take back all my SBD's?
I was at both shows at Crisler. The first night was a normal average show. The sound on this show version in particular has great PHIL (I used my sub
to listen loud & proud!)- the sound is basically as good as most of the Dead stuff we pay for. The actual concert is musically a 4. A very good show, better than many and a good one for your personal archives. The OTHER ONE with your sub-woofer cranked may break a window or two so be careful & enjoy!
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May 5, 2005 Subject:
This is a strong show. Nice first set with a great Birdsong, but the highlight is the transition between Playin and Built to Last, its one of those unique
moments that makes the GD what they are.
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August 27, 2004 (edited)
Not Really As Many PITBs as Advertised
Good show, but the middle PITB (d206) is actually a duplicate of the reprise (d306), so you can delete it before burning the show.
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July 19, 2004 Subject:
This show is very solid. Great sound quality to this recording. Playin seems to be the recurring theme throughout the 2nd set, with each re-entrance very
delicate and sweet. The scar-fire is good, with the other one taking the cake on this night. Recommend downloading this shit for sure.