Grateful Dead Live at Greek Theatre, U. Of California on 1988-07-17
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- Publication date
- 1988-07-17 ( check for other copies)
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- Live concert
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- GratefulDead
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- Grateful Dead
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- DeadLists Project
- Item Size
- 1.2G
Foolish Heart, Greatest Story Ever Told, Althea, Me & My Uncle, Big River, Candyman, Let It Grow Box Of Rain, Victim Or The Crime, Crazy Fingers, Playin' In The Band, Uncle John's Band, Drums, Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad, All Along The Watchtower, Believe It Or Not, Throwing Stones, Not Fade Away, E: Blackbird, E: Brokedown Palace
Ultramatrix (SBD/AUD mix)> DAT> ?> CD ("?" may not be a generation, or it may be. I dunno.); via Steve Aserkoff; Seeded to etree by Peter Braverman.; Note- This may be an FM source; See user comments
- Addeddate
- 2004-07-06 09:19:38
- Has_mp3
- 1
- Identifier
- gd88-07-17.sbd-matrix.braverman.10081.sbeok.shnf
- Location
- Berkeley, CA
- Numeric_id
- 15897
- Shndiscs
- 2
- Type
- sound
- Year
- 1988
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 25, 2018
Subject: A wonderful stealth show!
Subject: A wonderful stealth show!
For many, myself 1988, is a often overlooked year. The last time this show was reviewed was almost three years. In my case I got off the bus in late
1987. I did get some tapes from the MSG shows from the fall of this year and they were not nearly as impressive as this night.
This year was the beginning of Garcia & Hunter's last great songwriting period and many staples of the 1990's came out of this period.
Three are featured in this performance, of which one would disappear by October only to reappear once more in the Spring of 1990 believe it or not
Set one is a nice set list and I have grown to appreciate these earlier versions of Foolish Heart, which by 1990 was one of my second set favorites. The tempo is slower but Garcia thoroughly enjoys singing it and as other reviews stated this version gets better as it it played.
GSET is cranking and except for Healy's unnecessary messing with Bob's vocals, something he commonly did this during the late '80's up until the summer tour of 1990. Was it out of boredom? Who know's but the band did fire him by by 1994 and this has to be one of the reasons why.
Althea is a strong version with the band settling in quite nicely and firing on all cylinders. A couple cowboy tunes, Big River is very good, and then back to Jerry, who coming in from from Memphis where he learned to talk the jive.
I always loved this song and the band delivers a solid performance.
The highlight of this, less than 60 minute, first set is the Let it Grow. The band plays it with a sonic reckoning urgency that is full of beauty and power. It would be another six months until the Midi sound changed this song dramatically.
I am a purist and prefer these pre-Midi versions and once you listen to it you know why. Jerry just completey unleashes on this one and Bob vocals are strong and passionate. Phil is right there as well.
Set to is down right strong from start to finish and features a great set list.
The "Let Phil Sing!" chant although not as common as it once had been, as Phil more than likely would sing one tune during a strong run. Tonight is no exception.
Box Rain gets the vibes going in the right direction. Then the first surprise, the west coast breakout of Victim. This version is excellent and has that focus that makes the song a modern GD standout., then back to the essentials with a sweet version of Crazy Fingers, which in my opinion continued to get better as they played it through out the remainder of their GD career.
The PITB is short but is quite enjoyable with a smooth transition into a very strong Uncle John's Band. The D>S is not outrageous and is more of a cerebral stroll through the sonic garden on this hot Sunday afternoon
The GDTRFB picks up right where UJB left off and the band cranks it up, along with Phil's bass,. Watchtower is extremely intense and Phil and Jerry just rage on it.
This drops into a memorable and sweet Believe it or Not, which has Jerry really being as intimate with his vocals as he ever could be. Robert Hunter would love this version.
The set ending T.Stones> NFA has the former being the strong of the two.
Blackbird is sweet and not as perfect as one would desire but it does feature Bob on the acoustic and is bittersweet.
Jerry closes out the night and the run with a poetic Brokedown for those loyal and loving freaks at the Greek
Happy Trails.
This year was the beginning of Garcia & Hunter's last great songwriting period and many staples of the 1990's came out of this period.
Three are featured in this performance, of which one would disappear by October only to reappear once more in the Spring of 1990 believe it or not
Set one is a nice set list and I have grown to appreciate these earlier versions of Foolish Heart, which by 1990 was one of my second set favorites. The tempo is slower but Garcia thoroughly enjoys singing it and as other reviews stated this version gets better as it it played.
GSET is cranking and except for Healy's unnecessary messing with Bob's vocals, something he commonly did this during the late '80's up until the summer tour of 1990. Was it out of boredom? Who know's but the band did fire him by by 1994 and this has to be one of the reasons why.
Althea is a strong version with the band settling in quite nicely and firing on all cylinders. A couple cowboy tunes, Big River is very good, and then back to Jerry, who coming in from from Memphis where he learned to talk the jive.
I always loved this song and the band delivers a solid performance.
The highlight of this, less than 60 minute, first set is the Let it Grow. The band plays it with a sonic reckoning urgency that is full of beauty and power. It would be another six months until the Midi sound changed this song dramatically.
I am a purist and prefer these pre-Midi versions and once you listen to it you know why. Jerry just completey unleashes on this one and Bob vocals are strong and passionate. Phil is right there as well.
Set to is down right strong from start to finish and features a great set list.
The "Let Phil Sing!" chant although not as common as it once had been, as Phil more than likely would sing one tune during a strong run. Tonight is no exception.
Box Rain gets the vibes going in the right direction. Then the first surprise, the west coast breakout of Victim. This version is excellent and has that focus that makes the song a modern GD standout., then back to the essentials with a sweet version of Crazy Fingers, which in my opinion continued to get better as they played it through out the remainder of their GD career.
The PITB is short but is quite enjoyable with a smooth transition into a very strong Uncle John's Band. The D>S is not outrageous and is more of a cerebral stroll through the sonic garden on this hot Sunday afternoon
The GDTRFB picks up right where UJB left off and the band cranks it up, along with Phil's bass,. Watchtower is extremely intense and Phil and Jerry just rage on it.
This drops into a memorable and sweet Believe it or Not, which has Jerry really being as intimate with his vocals as he ever could be. Robert Hunter would love this version.
The set ending T.Stones> NFA has the former being the strong of the two.
Blackbird is sweet and not as perfect as one would desire but it does feature Bob on the acoustic and is bittersweet.
Jerry closes out the night and the run with a poetic Brokedown for those loyal and loving freaks at the Greek
Happy Trails.
Brian Bowes
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 2, 2015
Subject: Sweet Songs To Rock My Soul
Subject: Sweet Songs To Rock My Soul
Easily the best Victim or the Crime I've heard to date. That's something I didn't know I'd ever say... but dang it. Jerry just lights it up!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 10, 2013
Subject: One or two moments
Subject: One or two moments
This show definitely has that laid back feel to it..I also like the Foolish Heart opener and the Althea stood out in the 1st set. I caught the 'Believe
it or Not' in Rochester,NY but prefer this version better..It's haunting! It reminds me of' If I had the world to Give' and how it was only played a few times live..another one which I thought should have been kept in the line-up. A solid well played show with nice sound quality..GIVE IT A WHIRL !!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 11, 2008
Subject: Just a few moments
Subject: Just a few moments
Well we made all three night and dayzes at the Greeks and scurried back and forth to the City to catch the free concert in the park - almost literally
got knocked over by the front of the cross country march (American Soviet Alliance Walk for Peace - I think we need those guys back - the works not done)
Spent time with John Cipollini at the full moon cafe dancin' our butts off and drinkin' and talkin' "sheet" with the band Barry and John. We got smoked by his guitar work - the guitar god that he is - and the bartender said he hadn't seen John that wound up in a long time - it was a great weekend for all. The weather was more like San Diego and no one was complaining.
We lit incense at the corner (you know what corner)and almost missed the last show. I thought I was walking in real early to hang with the heads - hey where is everybody - I said to a fan stepping lively towards the venue - look at your ticket mannnnn - he answered back not missing a beat -D'oh -
And we spent time with Chris Cain at Larry Blake's, freakin' awesome show - we just went in - had no idea - we took one look at the set up with the sax and keyboards and knew something was up - and then Bobby Blue Blands scorching version of Stormy Monday came jumping out of the jukebox and the party was on - more dancing and spilling of beer. Slept at the Pelican Motel - had lunch at Stinson Beach - I'm actually looking at a picture of the lobby of the Pelican with us in it right now - and marveled at the "Bliss Mobil" parked out front.
Wow, wow, wow, what a music weekend - 5 days and nights of fun, fun, fun, and ran into old friends on top of it all - bliss mobile indeed!
Listening to wooden ships (thought it was Grace and Paul singing it though)and it was very etheral (other worldly)walking through Golden Gate hearing that song drift through the woods. I mean if you didn't catch the magic right then and there you were never going to.
Being way down front for that Golden Gate Jam with Steve Kimock, Jerry, John Cipollini and a host of others - including the original lineup of Steve and John's Band Zero - Martin on horn and yes Mickey on percussion.
The Not Fade Away audience response at the end of this show was really strong and we had a great time singing that at the top of our lungs. Basked on the hill all day like a couple of seals - dancing seals that is - dancing, air guitar playing seals - okay thats got it.
Believe it or not - just a few moments - we love you too Jerry - check out Philly 1988 - not fade away - the crowd develops its own call and response - very cool - love the whole audience participation about these events - like I heard Phil say once - you have to put something of yourself into the music - and there's the thing, the pay off, the vibe, the moment, the magic - all being tugged together by creativity - our god.
Well Jerry's gone and he's never comin' back 13 years later I'm starting to listen to the music again. There was a time right after he died where I couldn't - I mean I just couldn't - it didn't take thirteen years - but it did take a while.
There's a world of beautiful music and musicians out there from 17th century baroque transcripts from unknown composers to Arturo O'Farrill.
Keep on keepin on old friends and I'll see you around some corner where it's been waiting to greet you - love to all and to all a goodnight!
Author - Journey Home
Spent time with John Cipollini at the full moon cafe dancin' our butts off and drinkin' and talkin' "sheet" with the band Barry and John. We got smoked by his guitar work - the guitar god that he is - and the bartender said he hadn't seen John that wound up in a long time - it was a great weekend for all. The weather was more like San Diego and no one was complaining.
We lit incense at the corner (you know what corner)and almost missed the last show. I thought I was walking in real early to hang with the heads - hey where is everybody - I said to a fan stepping lively towards the venue - look at your ticket mannnnn - he answered back not missing a beat -D'oh -
And we spent time with Chris Cain at Larry Blake's, freakin' awesome show - we just went in - had no idea - we took one look at the set up with the sax and keyboards and knew something was up - and then Bobby Blue Blands scorching version of Stormy Monday came jumping out of the jukebox and the party was on - more dancing and spilling of beer. Slept at the Pelican Motel - had lunch at Stinson Beach - I'm actually looking at a picture of the lobby of the Pelican with us in it right now - and marveled at the "Bliss Mobil" parked out front.
Wow, wow, wow, what a music weekend - 5 days and nights of fun, fun, fun, and ran into old friends on top of it all - bliss mobile indeed!
Listening to wooden ships (thought it was Grace and Paul singing it though)and it was very etheral (other worldly)walking through Golden Gate hearing that song drift through the woods. I mean if you didn't catch the magic right then and there you were never going to.
Being way down front for that Golden Gate Jam with Steve Kimock, Jerry, John Cipollini and a host of others - including the original lineup of Steve and John's Band Zero - Martin on horn and yes Mickey on percussion.
The Not Fade Away audience response at the end of this show was really strong and we had a great time singing that at the top of our lungs. Basked on the hill all day like a couple of seals - dancing seals that is - dancing, air guitar playing seals - okay thats got it.
Believe it or not - just a few moments - we love you too Jerry - check out Philly 1988 - not fade away - the crowd develops its own call and response - very cool - love the whole audience participation about these events - like I heard Phil say once - you have to put something of yourself into the music - and there's the thing, the pay off, the vibe, the moment, the magic - all being tugged together by creativity - our god.
Well Jerry's gone and he's never comin' back 13 years later I'm starting to listen to the music again. There was a time right after he died where I couldn't - I mean I just couldn't - it didn't take thirteen years - but it did take a while.
There's a world of beautiful music and musicians out there from 17th century baroque transcripts from unknown composers to Arturo O'Farrill.
Keep on keepin on old friends and I'll see you around some corner where it's been waiting to greet you - love to all and to all a goodnight!
Author - Journey Home
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 8, 2008
Subject: Closing out the summer for me
Subject: Closing out the summer for me
Overall: Really good show. In keeping with the last two shows, this one has a laid back west coast vibe. Everything is slower and more open. Listen
to Maine and then these shows back-to-back; you can hear a noticable difference in the high energy east coast style and the laid back open west coast style. The sound quality on this recording is great. After getting some nice long jams at a few of the east coast shows, they fall back to pretty short jams here.
The scene: the final night of my first Greek Theater run and the end of my first full summer tour, which started back in Alpine. These were three days of beautiful California sun and fantastic playing. As someone else mentioned, the weather was really hot for this whole run. For this night I was dancing in the walkway around the top of the seating and remember it being an absolutely gorgeous evening. I was flying out of SFO first thing the next morning, so after the show I went and slept in the airport - back when you could still do that! When I got back home after these shows, I immediately got back to work to save $ for fall tour!
The music: Set I: Foolish starts nice an slow with a relaxed feel. The whole set retains that feel. Check Brent's contributions on Big River - simply fantastic. You can even hear how he gets Bobby into things b/c after Brent's solo, Bobby suddenly brings the vocals with that little bit of extra energy and growl. That was the magic of Brent - he could raise the musicality and energy of the other members of the band with just a riff here or there. Mickey gets some good groove going for Let it Grow (listen for his input during the mid-song jam). In fact, everyone has some great contributions on Let it Grow - this is a really nice version.
Set II: Jerry's backing vocals are a little off on Box, but Phil's voice is actually pretty good here. This is definitely the best Victim thus far. Bobby sings it with conviction and they begin to stretch the jam a litte (though not as much as later). Crazy Fingers' third appearance in the last 7 shows - that's a little more often than normal, for some reason. This one is really nice, with some really fluid playing from Jerry. Jerry strong arms the jam a little suddenly to steer it into Playing. Playing is nice, but a bit short. Same for UJB. Really nice Watchtower. During Throwing Stones, Bobby's guitar work really gets in the way of some nice playing from Jerry and Brent. I'm not a Bobby basher, but he just stays on the same loud distorted chord which just smothers what the other guys are doing. Blackbird is another hilareous disaster (equally bad as the first attempt in Alpine), but bless 'em for giving it another shot. Brokedown brings this fine evening to a beautiful close.
The scene: the final night of my first Greek Theater run and the end of my first full summer tour, which started back in Alpine. These were three days of beautiful California sun and fantastic playing. As someone else mentioned, the weather was really hot for this whole run. For this night I was dancing in the walkway around the top of the seating and remember it being an absolutely gorgeous evening. I was flying out of SFO first thing the next morning, so after the show I went and slept in the airport - back when you could still do that! When I got back home after these shows, I immediately got back to work to save $ for fall tour!
The music: Set I: Foolish starts nice an slow with a relaxed feel. The whole set retains that feel. Check Brent's contributions on Big River - simply fantastic. You can even hear how he gets Bobby into things b/c after Brent's solo, Bobby suddenly brings the vocals with that little bit of extra energy and growl. That was the magic of Brent - he could raise the musicality and energy of the other members of the band with just a riff here or there. Mickey gets some good groove going for Let it Grow (listen for his input during the mid-song jam). In fact, everyone has some great contributions on Let it Grow - this is a really nice version.
Set II: Jerry's backing vocals are a little off on Box, but Phil's voice is actually pretty good here. This is definitely the best Victim thus far. Bobby sings it with conviction and they begin to stretch the jam a litte (though not as much as later). Crazy Fingers' third appearance in the last 7 shows - that's a little more often than normal, for some reason. This one is really nice, with some really fluid playing from Jerry. Jerry strong arms the jam a little suddenly to steer it into Playing. Playing is nice, but a bit short. Same for UJB. Really nice Watchtower. During Throwing Stones, Bobby's guitar work really gets in the way of some nice playing from Jerry and Brent. I'm not a Bobby basher, but he just stays on the same loud distorted chord which just smothers what the other guys are doing. Blackbird is another hilareous disaster (equally bad as the first attempt in Alpine), but bless 'em for giving it another shot. Brokedown brings this fine evening to a beautiful close.
David Bolewski
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 15, 2007
Subject: Hercules makes a surprise appearance at the Greek
Subject: Hercules makes a surprise appearance at the Greek
I keep comming back to this show. 1988 was much different than 1987.In particular I love the way Bobby plays in this show. Its difficult to describe the
sound of this show. It's mechanical in a loose way. The band sounds spaced out and airy. The sound quality is a solid 5 and performance is pretty much a 5.Not everyone likes 88' I always did.Phil makes reference to a struggle in the beginning of 88' in his book searching for the sound. I would agree that the spring 88 tour had it's ups and downs. The summer tour of 88 is much tighter and psychedelic than the majority of the spring tour I've heard. This is not a typical sounding Grateful Dead show. It's not the Good ol Grateful Dead, it's something else. They sound like Pink Floyd with all these little drones,angular lines. Its more jazzy and minimalistic.There are alot of spaces inbetween the notes and beats. Where it lacks in high energy it makes up for it in clarity and smoothness.I know there are soundboards out there of equal quality of the other two nights.I wish I had the other two especially the night with China/Rider. Enjoy..Turn this one up real loud.This show is in memory of Pete 'The Greek' Baldukas who passed away two years ago.
G. Ganter
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 24, 2007
Subject: Strong Opener
Subject: Strong Opener
My favorite Foolish Heart--I sorta like Garcia's voice-almost-there chokes, and the instrumentation is timeless. The rest is a solid show, tho I like the
first night at Laguna Seca better.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 9, 2007
Subject: Im laughing at this
Subject: Im laughing at this
because before Blackbird Brent is like "oh no"
you'll know why if you listen to the previous blackbird they played on 6/23 (its hilarious).
on this ... one in the first verse you hear brent say the "eyes" instead of "wings" and then you can hear him mumble "shit" hahahaha
you'll know why if you listen to the previous blackbird they played on 6/23 (its hilarious).
on this ... one in the first verse you hear brent say the "eyes" instead of "wings" and then you can hear him mumble "shit" hahahaha
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2007
Subject: great show
Subject: great show
I like the vocal ambience and instrumental energy and coherence!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 29, 2006
Subject: Maybe it's my mood
Subject: Maybe it's my mood
maybe it's me. Maybe it's the time of man.
But I listen to a good number of these and I don't hear a 5 in this show. Good pieces and such. I definitely ... would have left the house stoked but I don't get the 5 feel from this.
Beleive it or Not is a classic version of a seldom played tune. Worth it for the feel of that song alone. Garcia's voice was in lemon condition but he used this song to make awesome lemonade.
Check out the Somewhere over the Rainbow embedded in the late minutes of the Space.
But I listen to a good number of these and I don't hear a 5 in this show. Good pieces and such. I definitely ... would have left the house stoked but I don't get the 5 feel from this.
Beleive it or Not is a classic version of a seldom played tune. Worth it for the feel of that song alone. Garcia's voice was in lemon condition but he used this song to make awesome lemonade.
Check out the Somewhere over the Rainbow embedded in the late minutes of the Space.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 17, 2006
Subject: 80's shows
Subject: 80's shows
Hey- alot of the reviews below mention 80's shows. I really dont know how anyone can detract from this great period of Dead music.
I truly believe that ... Brent was the best on the boards of anyone that played in that spot for them, and he added SO MUCH to these great 80's shows. Being able to get my Brent and Jerry "fix" on here is sooo valuable and i thank all that spend the time uploading shows....
The music never stops........
I truly believe that ... Brent was the best on the boards of anyone that played in that spot for them, and he added SO MUCH to these great 80's shows. Being able to get my Brent and Jerry "fix" on here is sooo valuable and i thank all that spend the time uploading shows....
The music never stops........
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 5, 2005
Subject: 1988
Subject: 1988
When I 1st got into the grateful dead, started getting shows, such, I heard a lot of years, But I at one time set out to get all 1988 shows(back then on
cassette) haha, Anyways, I never did succeed, Now with this site it is quite possible :)And bout this show The boys rock this nite :)5 stars
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 15, 2005
Subject: Hottest Day in July on Record
Subject: Hottest Day in July on Record
I remember this day well - it was 105F in San Francisco and 97F in Berkeley that day - hottest day in July for both cities.
The music was also... *totally ... hot*! I recently went looking for my cassette(s) of the show, couldn't find 'em, so downloaded this *beauty*.
Thanks for the bits!
The music was also... *totally ... hot*! I recently went looking for my cassette(s) of the show, couldn't find 'em, so downloaded this *beauty*.
Thanks for the bits!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 9, 2005
Subject: Fu** Yeah!!!
Subject: Fu** Yeah!!!
This show rocks!!!!!!!!!! I just recently started to get into 80's Dead. Man am I glad I did. This show is a ripper! Every song is played very well and
with such enthusiasm. A must DL!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 2, 2005 (edited)
Subject: BIG sound
Subject: BIG sound
WOW. You want big fat full sound with plenty of Phil's Modulus, here you go. Thunderous! Great overall instrumental and vocal mix. Strong first set material
- they're on! Monster Althea and snappy Big River. Jerry's vocals on Candyman were never better than this. Let It Grow is stunning. Detractors of the '80s are once again proven wrong.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 31, 2004 (edited)
Subject: Essense of '88
Subject: Essense of '88
This show represents the essense of 1988 Grateful Dead. A high energy, tight performance with a fine song selection, not the most jammed out show, but
for '88 it's as good as it gets for big jams. Let it Grow and Althea standout to me in the 1st set. Solid pre-drums but the post drums separates this show from so many others. Bobby growls throughout the Watchtower and then the boys drop it down a bit for a lovely Beleive it or not. What a great tune, this was my favorite Jerry ballad from the later days. Too bad it was droped from the rotation...Sound quality is exceptional.
Close your eyes and be transported to a late afternoon at the Greek...those were the days!!!
Close your eyes and be transported to a late afternoon at the Greek...those were the days!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 1, 2004
Subject: Blackbird
Subject: Blackbird
This a top shelf recording with premium sound. Jerrys lics during the Blacbird attempt are bonus. So soooooooooooothing.
Fantastic Brokedown, closed a ... right on time concert.
Fantastic Brokedown, closed a ... right on time concert.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 6, 2004 (edited)
Subject: u must download this show
Subject: u must download this show
this is simply a rockin' performance that must have been the ultimate treat to attend (well, the whole run at the Greek for that matter)....
AWESOME Foolish ... Heart to open (!) the show, tight verions of GSET, BRiver, and Let it Grow...Althea is sweeeeeet, as is Candyman...
the second set is just non-stop energy, and it's hard to pick out the highlights...I guess UJB, GDTRFB, and NFA stick out the most (I foresee listeners pushing rewind many times), and Believe it or Not is terrific...
this is supreme '88 perfection
AWESOME Foolish ... Heart to open (!) the show, tight verions of GSET, BRiver, and Let it Grow...Althea is sweeeeeet, as is Candyman...
the second set is just non-stop energy, and it's hard to pick out the highlights...I guess UJB, GDTRFB, and NFA stick out the most (I foresee listeners pushing rewind many times), and Believe it or Not is terrific...
this is supreme '88 perfection
There are 18 reviews for this item. .
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