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Grateful Dead May 26, 1972
Strand Lyceum London, | Listen on archive
Next Time You See Me
Last go round for Pigpen singing this classic and they absolutely nail it. Might be my new favorite version!!!
El Paso
Another fantastic version here. Great tempo and the piano work, oh my is this a beauty to behold!!!
He's Gone
Last time played with Pigpen in the band. Was is a pre courser for his soon departure? Jerry literally tears me up in this version!
Not Fade Away
17 minute NFA>GDTRFB>NFA wonder. They left the best for last on the Europe 72' tour and here's a gem!!!
Sing Me Back Home
Long version that will not disappoint. Donna adds a wonderful touch to this slow mellow beauty!
Black Throated Wind
It's really nice, the recording I have just has this wonderful rawness to it...either way not surprising considering the show
A can't believe that this isn't listed yet. Truckin'->The Other One->Morning Dew->The Other One->Sing Me Back Home.
Casey Jones
Near flawless version from a near flawless tour. The whole band is locked in on the home stretch here, and keith is hammerin' away on those ivories..
One More Saturday Night
an outstanding version to end an outstaning concert which was the last of an outstanding tour! need I say more?
Two Souls in Communion
They played this song great all tour. Rotterdam is the definitive, but this one is quite good and Pig's last.
Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad
This is and epic NFA>GDTRFB>NFA to close the first set! Best combo of the tour!
Promised Land
Grate version... listen carefully at the beginning you can hear Jerry yell "put your acid in!"