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Grateful Dead - Mississippi Halfstep Uptown Toodeloo

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Mississippi Halfstep Uptown Toodeloo.

Know of a good version of Mississippi Halfstep Uptown Toodeloo that's not listed here? Submit it!
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Just exactly perfect...sooooo beautiful as they fade into "across the rio grand-eo"
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Great high-energy show opener. 30-31 March '73 often overlooked. Give a listen and you wont regret it.
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Astonishingly strong Jerry vocals, especially given the year, and some of the prettiest Hornsby-led fills make this one a real great sleeper pick.
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Jerry's solos groove with this great Foxtrot Ballroom melody and the band just swings along with him. So Perfect!!
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i've never heard Jerry wail quite like this, and Brent's form doesn't seem like something humanly possible, punches every key. Also-crowd energy!