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Grateful Dead - Beat it on Down The Line

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Beat it on Down The Line.

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Normally not a song I take much notice of...but Keith just takes over this puppy and turns it into a rollicking good time!
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Great acoustic version, when the song was still fresh and you can hear the Binghamton crowd react when Bob starts singing
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Maybe I have my music on too loud, but this version frickin' rocks!
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Tight, inspired, rockin'. Best of the Euro '72 run. Give it some love, folks!
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Bobby screams the lyrics, and Jerry picks to perfection. A hot and energetic version.
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From an all-around great show (the extra accent in the count-in must have caused some smiles)
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBAuaJKMOTg I defy you to find a single flaw in this version. Probably Weir's single best lead vocal performance.