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Grateful Dead - Big River

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Big River.

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They just could do no wrong at this show, Hidden among all the other gems is this monster River. Big solo work by Jerry; nice fills by Keith.
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The Eyes>Big River transition is one of the coolest transitions I've heard in a while. My Jaw was wide open during it, WOW!!!
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Giddy Up Cowboys and Cowgirls. My goodness how amped the boys were in this version!
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High energy opener to an epic 2nd set that is hot!! Jerry is ripping and the band is super tight this night!
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They are in the zone on this date... Recording gets some fuzz, but I think the energy happenin' was too much for the equipment, LOL
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This hot version from St. Paul is from a very under-rated show that is better than Mosque show IMHO.