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Grateful Dead - Throwing Stones

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Throwing Stones.

Know of a good version of Throwing Stones that's not listed here? Submit it!
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Coming out of the Kesey Dark Star>Last Time>SOTM the band beats the hell out of this before leading into NFA.
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Super tight post verse jam here. Surprisingly unlisted, considering it was just released as part of the Giants Stadium Box set
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What the hell is that noise!?! Is it a Cabasa??? Whatever it is, it's put me in 420 long time. Me likey too much.
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Spittin' politics at the college kids then they scare them with the jam - nice and darkish.
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Extended and jammy early version had more improvasation than you find in the jamming on later versions.
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This is a hot bobby show rocking with tons of energy and rock star Bobby. Excellent version