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Grateful Dead - Cryptical Envelopment

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Cryptical Envelopment.

Know of a good version of Cryptical Envelopment that's not listed here? Submit it!
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The Cryptical Reprise is a beast, this whole show could be nominated, Dick’s Picks Vol. 8, listen again and vote.
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The Cryptical Reprise is absolutely stunning, and again this whole show could be nominated, Dick’s Picks Vol. 4, listen again and vote.
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Pretty amazed that ANY post 69 Crypticals would be on the list but nothing from the 60s?Like most versions this may induce flashbacks so procede with
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Without question, the best Crypt reprise ever performed. This one reaches the limits of space and time.
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This is the 2 From the Vault version I grew up with. The tight, crisp first half leads to an explosive psychedelic algae bloom in the 2nd. EPIC!
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Killer version with a great latin jam after the drums, and the reprise goes into dire wolf.
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10 minute Cryptical reprise that gives way to drums and Main Ten. Special guest moaning person (?)
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The ending jam or reprise jam is excellent and smokes like all the good ones do!