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Grateful Dead - Caution

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Caution.

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Pigpen drives hard here, harmonica all the way. Early fireball, only giving us a glimpse of what Caution would turn into in only a year!
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Wonderful psychedelic beauty this is marvelous a tremendous acid drenched wonder.
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Wow they are smoking thisevening and Pigpens mic gets fixed for Caution. SMOKING A+++
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Lovelight -> Caution Jam -> Lovelight. Woah, teeming with energy, band can barely contain themselves. Holy fudge
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Following some bizzare Ken Babbs rants at an acid test jazzy bluesy stuff where Pig sounds like an early version of Tom Waits.
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I know the Cautions with Pigpen were a billion times better, but.... This later Caution jam is is extremely easy to hear. Part of the jam out of NFA
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True Primal Grateful Dead amazing they were this good already in 1967 truly transportational music. this is so dripping in psychedelia. WOW
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It's a shame there's not more of this in listenable quality, but what we have is still blazing.