
find the best versions of grateful dead songs

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Free Spirit



Tennessee Jed
Sept. 28, 1972
Stanley Theatre

Definitely should be on the list. Excellent Jed from a legendary show!!!
Stella Blue
Aug. 25, 1972
Berkeley Community Theatre

A brand new Stella Blue that was lost and is now found, Dave's Picks 24 is here, and it's a great one...
Let It Grow
June 15, 1976
Beacon Theatre

Super Sweet Version From an Amazing Show!!
Big River
Sept. 11, 1982
West Palm Beach Auditorium

This is a BIG OL RIVER! This whole show is so special, and totally 'under the radar'...Check it out, and hold on tight!!!
Let It Grow
Sept. 11, 1983
Downs of Santa Fe

I know it's cliche' but it's fucking insane that this version hasn't been listed yet! It's balls out heady


Save the Whales
Feb. 9, 1969
Monterey Bay Aquarium

Yeah, it is very hard to find, but once you do, you'll never remember, then always forget...Good Luck...
Eyes Of The World
Feb. 26, 1977
Swing Auditorium

Dick said that the Swing show might be the best show of 77 and I think it's in the top 3, top 5 for sure...
He's Gone
May 21, 1977
Lakeland Civic Center

Jerry's vocal is so strong on this one, and the whole band is on point, May 77 style!
Good Lovin'
April 26, 1972

Pig wants us all to know this one thing, you need to jump on your saddle and ride! That's all, just ride...and ride he did...
Me and My Uncle
April 26, 1972

A simply perfect Muncle...they couldn't do any better and it's in a peak time for their voices and it's just exactly right for the song...