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Stealth Head



Mexicali Blues
Dec. 15, 1972
Long Beach Arena

Smokin' desperado polka here with superbly tight playing at a faster-than normal pace. A galloping riot and heaps of fun.
Dec. 11, 1972
Winterland Arena

Shredding goodness, coming late in the set after a killer Star>Stella. Great show all around.
Dec. 11, 1972
Winterland Arena

Solid powerful version where they start gelling perfectly for the set.
Sugar Magnolia
Dec. 10, 1972
Winterland Arena

Uptempo, intense, driving statement of holy-fuckiyana rock'n'roll. Not one I usually +1, but this is worth it. The SSDD is dynamite.
Dec. 10, 1972
Winterland Arena

Hard-charging diesel burner here. Bobby's nice and high in the mix, so a nice treat. The jam into TOO is brilliant.


The Wheel
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

The Wheel was always good medicine. This one starts like a mirage on a hot highway fluttering in the distance, then coalesces into a perfect form, just perfect before that really really pristine Lady With a Fan section of Terrapin. As much as I love this show, this is the first part of the set where they're really playing as one. The S>F is super loose and as cool as the Dancin' is, they seem to struggle to hit the bridge. But this... this is gooood medicine.
Got My Mojo Working
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

I think this hardly counts as a Mojo. It really never ever coalesces around the song but is really just a riff/vamp within the Dancin'.
Dancin' in the Streets
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

Long slow sizzling Dancin' that struggles to break into the weird electric slide part so Bobby steps up and has a Mojo minute. I'm going to break ranks here and say, this isn't really a "Got my Mojo" at all, but kind of a Bobby rap reference to Got my Mojo that never leaves Dancin'. Someone with more musical knowledge than I can say for sure, but I'm pretty sure they stay on Dancin's same chords and vamp riff through the hot second that Bobby's Mojo is only kind of working. Only then do they find the electric slide and just like that, it's back to the whirling Dancin' finale. The pointillist transition into The Wheel is the kind of magic that helped so many blown minds come back together together. So sweet.
Samson and Delilah
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

Funniest ending ever. Wait for it.
Scarlet Begonias -> Fire On The Mountain
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

This is all pretty loose in the joints, with a couple of epic lyric 'experiments', but is just bursting with creative solo ideas that signal the future of this immortal duo. What it lacks in ensemble tightness it more than makes up for in palpable musical excitement between the boys (and girl).