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Stealth Head



Mexicali Blues
Dec. 15, 1972
Long Beach Arena

Smokin' desperado polka here with superbly tight playing at a faster-than normal pace. A galloping riot and heaps of fun.
Dec. 11, 1972
Winterland Arena

Shredding goodness, coming late in the set after a killer Star>Stella. Great show all around.
Dec. 11, 1972
Winterland Arena

Solid powerful version where they start gelling perfectly for the set.
Sugar Magnolia
Dec. 10, 1972
Winterland Arena

Uptempo, intense, driving statement of holy-fuckiyana rock'n'roll. Not one I usually +1, but this is worth it. The SSDD is dynamite.
Dec. 10, 1972
Winterland Arena

Hard-charging diesel burner here. Bobby's nice and high in the mix, so a nice treat. The jam into TOO is brilliant.


Playin' In The Band
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

Starts with snarling opening lyrics, like and Bobby and Donna about to pounce out of their skins. This high energy gets tweaky with both the mentioned Keith weirdness and the two drummers in an outrageously perfect high-speed pocket behind Jerry playing the mad-scientist. His tone and mood are both hot and mellow. This is a sound I associate with an the best 'Playins' of '73, though Keith's effects and the melty-bits also evoke the much maligned Phil and Ned era of '74s. Maybe this is what others mentioned of having an "earlier Dead" feel to it. That said, this is no nostalgia piece and the outro is a hard-core crunching beast with a unique and hard rockin' sound .
Pretty Peggy O
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

Oh jeez, this is a pretty one. It rocks - not like rock-and-roll rocking, but like a sleeping baby in a cradle in a safe warm boat on a gentle lake with a soft breeze just ever-so-lightly scented with a whisper of indica flowers.
Cold Rain and Snow
Jan. 31, 1970
The Warehouse

They hit this show opener with some gusto - one of the reasons why it was always my favorite when they opened with it. I'm not sure if it's tape speed wobble or some tuning issues at first, but they seem to sort out the sound by the end.
Estimated Prophet
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

These early versions had the madness in them. Though short, this one conveys 'cracking up' in a heavy way.
April 22, 1977
The Spectrum

Mid-tempo with a bounce and soft-shoe, but doesn't really lift off until the out-chorus. Clean and pristine... the '77 sound starts to really coalesce just about here.