Scarlet Begonias -> Fire On The Mountain
May 8, 1977
Barton Hall - Cornell University
This is the best and somehow being almost universally recognized as the best has become criminally underrated by a slew of nitpickers and contrarians. The sense of time and place, phil's thundering bass to open scarlet, the breathing room through scarlet, the journey you're going on through scarlet to get to fire, the anticipation of the impending inferno to come when the pedal kicks in, the first notes of fire that NEVER fails to send shivers down my spine, the jam at the end of fire that burns the whole damn place down.This is one of the best journeys the boys ever took us on and they did it flawlessly. I've listened to every version from 1977 and many, if not most, versions from the 80's. I love me some brent, but come on, nothing comes close to this. Are you naysayers listening to this with the volume up?????