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Born 2 B Dead



Estimated Prophet
Oct. 29, 1980
Radio City Music Hall

Very jazzy Estimated heavy into the Phil zone
Drums -> Space
April 24, 1978
Horton Field House - Illinois State University

I don't usually think about a "heady" version here but Damn!! this some trippy stuff leading into a great NFA
Man Smart, Woman Smarter
Dec. 31, 1989
Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum

I think the band was a little cooked from the night before but it seems like they're still having some fun.
Terrapin Station
Sept. 2, 1979
Augusta Civic Center

A sublime treat. A kinder, gentler Terrapin. Great sounding vocals leading into a monster LIG
The Frozen Logger
Sept. 7, 1985
Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Thanks Steve, In honor of the Pranksters I'll submit this last version from Red Rocks. I'd love to see some more!


Samson and Delilah
June 30, 1985
Merriweather Post Pavilion

Ayuh, this here is a wicked rippah.
China Cat Sunflower -> I Know You Rider
May 25, 1974
Campus Stadium, UCSB

Starts off sounding a little ragged but by the outro jam into the transition, Jerry has sidestepped our reality and entered one of his own. Insane jamming right through Rider as the band gamely hangs on to Jerry's flying shirt tails. Billy's drumming is a thing of beauty
Mississippi Halfstep Uptown Toodeloo
Oct. 28, 1979
Cape Cod Coliseum

Why, in the name of all that's Heady, is this languishing in the basement? I'd stack this against almost any of the '77 versions sitting in the top 10 spots.
Help On The Way > Slipknot > Franklin's Tower
Oct. 1, 1994
Boston Garden

Wow! I ended up listening to this on Youtube by mistake and Hot Damn! For years I've ignored almost everything post Brent.....thereby cheating myself out of killer jams like this one. This whole show is pretty crunchy.
Franklin's Tower
Oct. 28, 1979
Cape Cod Coliseum

Reckon there was a reason to play this 2 nights in a row. Like they dipped into the well the night before but didn't drink their fill. A touch more laid back than the previous night but a monster nonetheless. I favor this one of the two.