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Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad
July 31, 1971
Yale Bowl, Yale University

A great vesion from ’71 with a unique Darkness Darkness transition jam after the “We bid you Goodnight” coda. Very deep, spiritual interplay.
Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad
May 11, 1980
Cumberland County Civic Center

Mother's Day Dead, One of the best GDTR from the early 80's, Weir is just thrashing chords during the second jam, check it out
St. Stephen
Oct. 11, 1983
Madison Square Garden

A Major Break-Out, you must hear the crown reaction, none of the '83 versions really stand out, but this needs to be heard.
May 11, 1978
Springfield Civic Center Arena

Great version from a great show, I love how Jerry growls the “Last fair deal…” line great stuff, foreshadowing the Werewolves to come.
Aiko Aiko
May 7, 1978
Field House - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The first time I saw Aiko Aiko, great singing by Garcia, clearly having a blast. RPI is an underrated show, with many, many highlights.


Oct. 17, 1983
Olympic Center

I agree, best of the 80’s for sure, taped this from the 15th row, the whole place was going ape shit.
May 28, 1977
Hartford Civic Center

I had hypothesized that if ’77 was the band’s peak year, and the East Coast spring tour was the best of the year, then maybe the pinnacle is this Sugaree, the peak of the second jam. All building to that one moment, crystallized on tape and time, I was there, this Sugaree rocks!
May 5, 1977
New Haven Coliseum

My first show, one of the best Sugaree’s ever. Love how different each solo is. This version just took my breath away, we were just settling in and wham, right out of the gate, after a rockin’ Promised Land, LOVE this Sugaree, check it out. If Dave ever gets back to a Spring ’77 release, New Haven should be it
May 6, 1978
Patrick Gymnasium - University of Vermont

The second Jerry solo is phenomenal, the whole band is just cranking up the effort, even Weir’s slide it good. The vocals are very impassioned, LOVE this version, check it out.
Stella Blue
May 11, 1978
Springfield Civic Center Arena

Why only one vote? This is clearly one of the best Stella's of 78’ right after Rupp and Winterland, when has Jerry sung with more emotion? I love the final guitar furry, great stuff. Come on Dark Star, “Transitive Axis”, vote for some great Stella’s.