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Dead on arrival



Mama Tried
Aug. 31, 1980
Capitol Center

Sometimes you know a tune will be heady on the first note. The crowd seems to know it too. Killer solo.
U.S. Blues (Wave That Flag)
Aug. 20, 1980
Uptown Theatre

Ass-kicking version, beautifully sung. Notable in that every note of Bobby's slide playing is exactly in tune.
Terrapin Station
Aug. 20, 1980
Uptown Theatre

Always looking for the great middle jams in this tune. This one is long, meandering, dreamy
Aiko Aiko
Aug. 16, 1980
Mississippi River Festival

Jerry and Phil kill this encore version
The Other One
June 29, 1980
Pauley Pavilion

An undiscovered 01? This one has huge, crazy peaks by Jerry at 4:25 and Jerry and Bobby at 8:05. Madness, fits and starts, like any great O1.


He's Gone
Sept. 3, 1977
Raceway Park

Great show and great jam, but I can't upvote this because of the colossal train wreck Jerry causes by coming in two beats early on the second chorus of his solo. It'd be OK if he recovered but he didn't. (Nice that he decided to try the whole solo over again though.) His habit of dropping beats (never dropping the time - his time was always great) is a weird thing that popped up around this time and haunted him the rest of his playing days.
Lazy Lightnin' -> Supplication
June 4, 1977
The Forum

Love Jerry's long, looping, elastic phrases in the end jam
Friend of the Devil
June 4, 1977
The Forum

Yes Jerry kills this solo. Listen to the Menke
Wharf Rat
April 25, 1977
Capitol Theater

Love the giant, looping flurries of notes Jerry plays at the beginning and in the end jam.
Ramble On Rose
March 9, 1981
Madison Square Garden

Fantastic solo. Cutting, percussive, angry. The riff he plays at the beginning of the second chorus is a monster. Then it's quieter, melodic, settling in triplets until, big surprise, Jerry remembers the words to the Crazy Otto verse.