Dark Star
Aug. 27, 1972
Old Renaissance Faire Grounds
This is starting to grow on me more. The jam after the first verse is the real goods. I love Jerry’s lead on this one and their utter descent into chaos and disturbing hyperspace bug crawling music. Jerry plays some lines that are so virtuosic, like a trapeze artist displaying their acrobatics. Billy and Phil are earth shattering, very earthy and grounded and they descend further into the underworld. You cant rank the best Dark Star, it changes every day, but I wonder how many Dark Stars would get more praise if they also had videos. Imagine a video or 4/24/72 or an underdog like 11/13/72? Hell even a video from the 73 would be mind blowing, but that also adds to what makes this band so special, going through the loot box and finding your own treasure, because there’s so much mystery and adventure that goes along with it, so finding more underrated versions is like finding gold. I don’t think this deserves the hate it gets sometimes, it’s an amazing Dark Star that really crashes, and while even I agree it should’ve gone into Morning Dew, that’s also what makes it so special and one of the most encapsulating of the bands spirit, fuck it we’re doing El Paso now. Plus think about how grim it would’ve been going into Dew, because that Star really crashed, so who knows, maybe Bobby did make the right call, but it was a call that changed everything. Like a rose blooming out of the chaos and the destruction, theoretically it shouldn’t be possible, but it happened anyways, whether we wanted to or not, life goes on and I like that. Just my two cents.