
find the best versions of grateful dead songs

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Jerry G



Big Boss Man
July 2, 1971
Fillmore West

Version is the Boss
Sugar Magnolia
July 2, 1971
Fillmore West

'71 Cajun rhythm
Good Lovin'
July 2, 1971
Fillmore West

Press play. Dance. Repeat
March 20, 1971
University of Iowa

March 20, 1971
University of Iowa

This version of Truckin' gets all the heavy liftin' done in 8 min


Sugar Magnolia
April 25, 1971
Fillmore East

Credible? That’s not the correct term to use here. At least not based on what you write here or wrote in a post from the other account you previously created. The results here are internet based and publicly available. Anyone is welcome to vote here but no one is welcome to post that the other votes should be considered invalid based on one person’s opinion. Anyone can vote. All votes are equal. You don’t believe the tally is credible? Or you don’t believe some should be allowed to vote? One thing is clear. You certainly don’t understand the underpinnings or ramifications of public voting. Go to another site and create multiple accounts to bitch. Or better yet, just get lost. No other sites want that either. Go somewhere that makes you happy, hippie. Have a nice day
Nov. 14, 1978
Boston Music Hall

Welcome to headyversion. You sound like a real gem. Thank goodness, someone that can finally rectify the egregious voting errors herein. While you’re at it, please explain to the group who should be allowed to vote. Only real Heads? If so, what is a real Dead Head? How many shows attended to qualify? Favorite year? And please, if you don’t do anything else, let us know your favorite version of Heaven Help the Fool. It’s the perfect song for real Dead Heads. Just exactly perfect
Dark Star
Aug. 27, 1972
Old Renaissance Faire Grounds

This version is not my favorite. Thank you for listening so many times to a version you don’t like much, obviously. There is no best, just “your favorite” or for some of us “current favorite”. The Dead’s catalogue is far too impressive to simply stamp “best” or “not best” on any song or show. I’m surprised more listeners (heads?) don’t seem to realize that is the case with art in general.
Viola Lee Blues
July 29, 1966
P.N.E. Garden Auditorium

Agreed. Nice recommend. This version and the sound quality of the source are both fantastic. Don’t miss
Brother Esau
April 1, 1984
Marin County Veterans Auditorium

“They had an odd relationship, Healy would “mess” with Bobby during soundcheck and shows by turning him down, adding weird effects, and other shit. Bob obviously didn’t appreciate it.”