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Era Evangelist



Turn On Your Love Light
June 20, 1969
Fillmore East

Absolute madness. Pigpen takes the Hammond for an extended stroll, and Jerry ends up on an acoustic before it's over.
Dupree's Diamond Blues
June 7, 1969
Fillmore West

You got to admit that that sweet, sweet jelly's so good
Me and My Uncle
May 7, 1970
DuPont Gym - MIT

Acoustic guitar gunslingers.
I Know You Rider
May 7, 1970
DuPont Gym - MIT

Another piece of awesome slightly obscured by being a 1970 audience recording.
It's All Over Now Baby Blue
June 4, 1970
Fillmore West

The benediction at the end of this night's religious experience.


Dark Star
Sept. 19, 1970
Fillmore East

I know it's part of the reason we're here and all, but if one can't listen to something like this night w/out getting hung up on comparisons, I can't help but feel like it's really missing the point.
U.S. Blues (Wave That Flag)
April 12, 1978
Cameron Indoor Stadium

This is one of those things that just has to be seen to be believed. Jumping Jerry exclamation points, even.
Black Peter
Dec. 14, 1971
Hill Auditorium

Somber joy. Not many of them manage to hit both aspects so beautifully as this does.
Uncle John's Band
Nov. 16, 1970
Fillmore East

The opening here just never fails to give me chills. Will Scarlett played this once, and manages to make it sound like every UJB should have his assistance. It just belongs. The recording has fairly low levels, so give this one as much volume as you can throw at it and enjoy.
Dark Star
April 8, 1971
Boston Music Hall

No clavichord for Ned (like 2/18/71) this time, he's plunking away on an electric piano. Relatively short, and the mix is such that Bob is out front, and Lagin seems to be coming thru on the vocal mics only, but it's interesting to listen to 2/18/71 and this show and contemplate the band that might have been had Ned ended up in Keith's seat. **edit** I've listened to this one several times in the last few days, and every time I hear it, it pulls me in deeper - I can see why this isn't the date that first comes to mind when people think 'Dark Star' - as this one isn't Epic. It is Epic's next door neighbor Enthralling, however. From the pre-song Phil rumbles where Dark Star is announced, to the moment where Wharf Rat almost comes out for a 2/18/71 flashback, to Jerry and Ned trading off liquid licks, to Bob dropping springy off kilter rhythm on top of everything to push in a crescendo, and Phil being a melodic maniac throughout...this thing is just dripping with a desperate elegance I want to hear again as soon as it finishes.