Eyes Of The World
May 7, 1977
Boston Garden
Not sure why I hadn't added a vote to this Gah-den Eyes 'til now but it deserves one. Reminiscent of the excellent version from 3/19/77 that also starts "cold" and just takes off into sweet jammy exploration, but I had forgotten about the nearly 3 minute intro section...yes, this is a slightly faster version (nothing like 11/4/77, though) but it still manages to take some time to find some really tasty nooks and crannies, especially in the intro section. Boston can sometimes be the Jan Brady to Cornell & Buffalo's Marsha/Cyndi dynamic, if you can follow that analogy, but there's a lot worth seeking out in that middle sister show. (In other words, I can hear Boston complaining "Ithaca, Ithaca, Ithaca! That's all anyone ever talks about!")