Scarlet Begonias -> Fire On The Mountain
March 21, 1991
Capital Centre
One of those I've had in heavy rotation for years but always forgot to bump here on the list. Just a spectacular coupling of both tunes--not just "for this era"--but for any. Deep calypso vibes twirl throughout Scarlet & Jerry is belting as best he can for '91 & nails all the lyrics and damn if he doesn't bring back some of the old magic from about a decade earlier when he'd fly through a tapestry of notes, sprinting along at a fast but not too fast pace- and the Fire does not disappoint either with a furious full throttle band transition into it, and of course Bruce adds his usual brilliant flourishes. With scores upon scores of S>F to choose from I get how a '91 show version especially might get lost in the weeds, but this one really should have far many more votes than it does now.