Bird Song
March 7, 1981
Cole Field House
I feel obliged to offer a dissenting take on this one. On the one hand, this version goes the distance in terms of daring audacity; it’s as if Jerry is saying, “ok, let’s really follow where this thing takes us”… unchartered waters here we come! And while such experiments usually pay off musical dividends, it doesn’t mean it always works. That said, this version is not without merit - It’s one better suited for the seasoned head in search of something different rather than the neophyte who recently got on the bus. This Bird Song takes a mighty flight, but the flapping wings sound tattered, a bit off-kilter in moments. This jam is more cool dissonance than the warm, lush lullaby that many have come to rely on in the song. I wouldn’t call this version “definitive” by any means, but this reading is an interesting alternative to definitive versions of the year: 2/26/81, 3/9/81, 10/16/81 (acoustic) & 12/5/81.