Row Jimmy
Jan. 1, 1965
Rich Stadium
I absolutely CANNOT believe we've gotten to the point where people are arguing about the nominations one puts on this site. Since this site is VOTE BASED, these things will work themselves out. It's really, very easy to understand. The fact that a song is nominated means NOTHING. At all. It says absolutely zero about the song. If these songs were getting tons of votes, or occupying top spots, I could see the problem. But that IS NOT HAPPENING. In this case, the bad songs will bec licked on, and if they don't like it, there will be no upvote and then THAT STORY IS OVER. So what's the problem? Nothing.... Also, users like Dude420Weed who go on insane rants that throw around the "we" pronoun when this is clearly the first activity they've EVER DONE ON THE SITE (note his +11 point total) is some of the most insufferable shit I've ever seen. Get hobbies, guys. You're own desires for what you want this site to be is RUINING THE VIBE. Peace