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Grateful Dead - Promised Land

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Promised Land.

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"Good evening and a very Happy New Year to you all" after a real nice Bertha>Promised opener
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Killer end to an energetic first set. Bruce and Vince dueling on keys and a 90 second jam after the "Los Angeles, get me Norfolk Virginia" line!
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First one played on the E72 tour, and it's a doozy, with a nice Keith solo.
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Love me some of that Europe '72 goodness. The band could do no wrong on this tour.
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Bobby flubs a line but the power and energy is superb, off the new 30 trips Box set, Which is beautiful by the way.
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Encore only available via box set. Incredible energy with extended fanning as should be expected from the only time played as an encore.