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Grateful Dead - Cosmic Charlie

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Cosmic Charlie.

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First version of this played in a while and you can hear the crowd road. What a contrast to the fast upbeat set taking it way down. Love it!!!
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Hard to imagine a better one...did heads in Passaic ever see anything but the best?
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Great first set of That's It For The Other One->New Potato Caboose->Doin' That Rag->Cosmic Charlie!
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Wonderful version very pretty after a strange stronger than dirt jam,suprised it isn't here.
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First time they had played it in years, and a perfect version, which you don't get many with this song. P-e-r-f-e-c-t. Go listen, you'll see.
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What could of been...one of the most evil teases that I have ever heard. Pure epicness for 30 seconds...and like Keyser Soze..he's gone.
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This version is dominated more by Pig's harmonica than the guitars. Still an awesome version.