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Grateful Dead - Jack Straw

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Jack Straw.

Know of a good version of Jack Straw that's not listed here? Submit it!
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Crazy hard driving insanisty to end the first set. One of those jam segments that builds and builds and KABOOMS into final verse. Phil fans: a must
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Just got the EU '72 box set and threw this one on. Had to hear without the studio effects. Still smokes and still is oh so good!
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"Go To Nassau" version! Great vocals ("sun so *hot,* the clouds so low...") and there's that "click" moment at 4:50 when the band just starts rockin'
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One of the finest without a doubt...Jerry is full of epicness on this evening
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For the love of Jerry you MUST listen to this immediately. Cease all other activities and prepare to have your jaw hit the floor!
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There are longer versions, but none has a better bridge jam than this one. My favorite version ever--must listen!