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Grateful Dead - Not Fade Away

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Not Fade Away.

Know of a good version of Not Fade Away that's not listed here? Submit it!
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Starts off an amazing post drums. Bob on slide goes back and forth with Jer...tremendous jammed out version!
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Flawless trance-inducing NFA with a perfect transition into GDTRFB. Note for note perfect show.
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OMG!! Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet! I know Cornell gets all the hype, but this seriously leaves it in the dust!!!!!!!
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Please listen to this it should be legendary, wholly improv jam like NO other NFA I have ever heard hot and Jammy as hell, Unique version
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Deserves to be listed. The whole GDTRFB>NFA>Bo Diddley>NFA is super tasty!