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Grateful Dead - Truckin'

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Truckin'.

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High voltage 18-wheel Truckin'. Mix and sound on this show keep it in the shadow of others this month, but the music is all there.
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Novelty of being done at MSG aside, this is a great version. Jerry reals get after it in the last minute or so.
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As with the rest of this show, Jerry is inspired. Wish the closing jam could have went on a little longer...
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This has a fantastic outro with lots of Phil (who soon takes over the mix in TOO)
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Easily overlooked show - the Truckin' opener is a giant tidal wave red carpet.
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Comes out of the best "She Belongs to Me." Almost begins like "Eyes." Rip-roarin' full of energy!
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Excellent, hard-charging version from arguably the best show of 87. Bobby stuttering all over the verses