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Grateful Dead - Turn On Your Love Light

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Turn On Your Love Light.

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HEAVY! Out of control energy coming from the drums, vocals, guitars- everything!
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Dark Star>St. Stephen>Eleven>Turn On Your Love Light. One complete piece of music.
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Very surprised this one is not listed, 38 Mins, one of the longest. Jerry slide solos, Peter Green wailing, and of course Pigpen at his peak.
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How this version is not on here?? This is a classic 30 minute 1969 Pig version...HARD HITTIN
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Pig was responsible for a whole lotta new babies after this one. Turns it over and gives the ladies some instruction to go out and get it. Nice.
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Pig continues his quest to get everyone on the planet laid, goes 2 for 2 in the Grateful Dead Dating Game.
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Such a great way to end alpine. They could have gone off at the end, but still a great rendition. Watch on video if you can