Playin' In The Band
Nov. 18, 1972
Hofheinz Pavilion
I've looked at Playin from both sides now. My assessment is that this one is absolute lunacy (in a very good way). If you want a crazy, exciting, unpredictable Grateful Dead experience, this is it - hands down. There's some crazy "sneak attack" action in there that takes you by surprise (in a very good way). I've always thought that Veneta is THE one, and I probably always will, but I know now that I need both Playins. The need for both is equal. I think Veneta is an amazing example of the band coming together to accomplish a common goal in a concise manner. But this one is over the top. In a head-to-head fight, this Playin would beat Veneta into submission. So, if you want concise, common goal Jamming - Veneta. If you want lunacy - Houston.