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Grateful Dead - Take A Step Back

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Take A Step Back.

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Everybody walk back like an egyptian that's right its a new dance you probably havent heard it take a astep back like an egyptian, Funny into a dew
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This one should be here as it segues out of a Phil solo and then into an Epic Eyes!
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Boby does his standard than Healy bends and twists it on a loop with Jerry playing along to Healy's weirdness
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"No, no, no. it's not working... It's hopelss. This is how the entire surface of the Earth will be in twenty years. Learn to love it now..." --Garcia
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One of the earliest versions of America's favorite fun game: Go Back to Your Seats. Happens before Around & Around.
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Phil: "Remember, if you step up too close We'll HAVE TO STOP PLAYING. Weir: I would remind you all that Halloween is not a legal holiday"
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Sung to the Mexican Hat Dance Tuning Bobby having a good time playing one of his favorite games "Take A Step Back" Into A Peppy Push.