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Grateful Dead - Sugaree

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Sugaree.

Know of a good version of Sugaree that's not listed here? Submit it!
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Nearly 22 minutes of pure Jerry joy. Dancing all over the guitar. What a treat!!
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1977 was a helluva year for this song. I have no quarrel w/ 5/5, 5/19, or 5/21, but I think this one beats 'em all by a nose!
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Ridiculous Sugaree from New Haven. Shocked to see it's not on here! Get's me going everytime
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New #1 favorite. Slightly more compact than other amazing '77 versions & so a bit more focused. 2d Garcia solo has no equal.
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Just the one for me. I hold all others up to this standard. Others are great, but this one gets me everytime!
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SMOKIN’ 2nd SOLO- This must rank up with the best of '77. Since the WL Box set was released, you should have listened, hit the link, listen NOW!
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Peak after Peak after Peak. This is an amazing version. Perhaps the best?