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Grateful Dead - Cold Rain and Snow

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Cold Rain and Snow.

Know of a good version of Cold Rain and Snow that's not listed here? Submit it!
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Surprised this one hasn’t been nominated, a great version with impassioned Garcia vocals and lead runs, give it a listen. Love the vocal coda as well.
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The boys start the show with all guns blazing. Seems like they'd open with this when they were most massive. Ahhhh, Winterland.
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Cold Rain ->Fire, great 2nd set opener, check out the YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQq5Qq3AQCw the pre-feed for Farm Aid.
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Cold Rain and Slow - very mellow cool version they seem to be tooling around the arrangement - Bobby and Keith standout on this one.
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Beautiful keywork by Keith weaving under Jerry - Phil + Bob show strong too - this one shimmers...