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Grateful Dead - Corrina

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Corrina.

Know of a good version of Corrina that's not listed here? Submit it!
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This Corrina > MLB Jam before Space is one of my favorite pieces of music from Spring '93. Weir "Iron Man"s the intro too.
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By far the best and most jammed out Corrina in the same set as the most epic scarlet>fire.
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As usual with Corrina this is all about the very hot long exit jam this one like many leads into a hot drums->space.
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This is by far my favorite Corrina due to Bobby's extreme anger. Jerry's sweeping notes at the end are not to be missed either. Ready or not, OR NOT!
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Corrina, solid, into a Jerryless jam, where Jer comes back out to do the D Star