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Grateful Dead - Estimated Prophet

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Estimated Prophet.

Know of a good version of Estimated Prophet that's not listed here? Submit it!
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This should be on there...its as good as the over-rated Mosque version.
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Another great 1990 version. This 3/16/90 show is one of the best of this epic tour and the Scarlet>Estimated is a barn burner.
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If your friends said Barton Hall tell them to get lost! This Prophet absolutely destroys Barton Hall, Jerry's Solo is so tight and tasteful must lstn!
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NOT just another '77 version. BIG bridge solo, pure Jerry/Donna backing vocals, scary Mutron solo into Eyes. One of the best.
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Out of Space the first jam is a screamer the 2nd sends them into the Other One. Ha!