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Grateful Dead - Cumberland Blues

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Cumberland Blues.

Know of a good version of Cumberland Blues that's not listed here? Submit it!
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Another blazing version from a prime Cumberland year. Doesn't quite match 11/17, but is still oh so fine.
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Directly after the "Maggie's" from Postcards of the Hanging...this version is near perfect!!!
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Extremely quick pace & locked in, https://archive.org/details/gd1972-03-27.132366.sbd.miller.flac16
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Sweet version, great harmonies lots of fun. The whole show's a must have for fans of the early stuff.
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Up and jumping, fast and precise version in spite of a few sound quality problems.
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Rippin' jam out of Viola Lee, can't believe this isn't on here yet - listen up!!
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Chock full of heady summer '72 goodness. It's not quite 04/08, but tasty nonetheless.